Hate [Kid x F!Reader] [S]

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-It's been a while but here's a smut chapter that's been sitting here for way too long~


The Marine captain scowled as he read the report in his hands. A certain ruthless, redheaded pirate had reunited with one of the most wanted woman.

When the Marines had captured them a while ago, they were only able to because of an accidental distraction. They had escaped not long after, humiliating him and his subordinates.

He wasn't going to let them escape again.

Eustass "Captain" Kid and [Y/N] [L/N]. One a powerful pirate and the other a lone wolf but dangerous criminal. Together, they were a formidable opponent that worked with each other flawlessly.


"Fucking shithead!

"Fucking asshat!"

"Fuck you!"

"Eat shit!"

"Piss off!"

"Fuck off!"

Kid's crew could only watch the shit go down as strings of colorful words ran through the air between you and Kid.

You two weren't even doing anything to each other at the moment; it was just the memories from previous interactions that grew this anger.

You and Kid met before, became partners and had multiple meetings that got quick and dirty. You weren't a part of any crew, so Kid had offered you a spot on his.

"Offered" wasn't quite the term you'd use. When you refused, wanting to be by yourself, dependent on yourself, and not owe anyone any favors for anything, he threw a tantrum, trying everything to get you to stay. Trying to fake nice-guy, bribing, threatening, challenging, fucking.

Yeah, you did not want to be on the same ship as a horny animal like him 24/7.

But beside that, the quick meetups was good. Great, in fact. He wasn't good in just the bed, he was good anywhere else that sex-filled mind of his found appropriate for sex. Which usually didn't match what you had in mind.

During a fight between you two that got... quite heated... you two were interrupted by Marines, and both of you were captured, having been caught off guard and focused on each other.

You escaped fine, thankfully, but man was that humiliating and a waste of time and energy. You blamed Kid for that, and he most likely also blamed you for that humiliation of being caught.

The Marines must have thought that you and Kid got along well because of that incident, but they couldn't be farther from the truth.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" you hissed. You would've thrown your drink at him if it weren't for it being the best damn beer you've had in a while.

"What are you doing here? My crew needs a place to let loose, and last I checked, you've only got yourself!" Kid slammed his hand down on the bar.

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"You're taking up the space!"

"What, does your fat ass need a goddamn house to sit on?"

"I don't want to see your ugly face 'round here. Beat it!"

"Make me."

His face was fuming, almost turning as red as his hair and lips were. However, his scowl turned into a smirk as he grabbed your arm. "Oh, I will."

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