Bob ?!

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Garfield thought for a second before deciding to stay with Bill's wife. She might want some company..... "Hey wait for me!" Garfield said running after her. His fur may have some milky white splotches on it and a stink from the dumpster, but he could still be a gentlemen and keep her company. 

She paused and waited for him to catch up. She didn't mind company. This really wasn't a very good end of town....

As Garfield led Bill's shocked wife out of the dark alleyway behind the coffee shop, Bill's wife spotted someone in a long black trench coat. 

She let out a gasp and covered her face. Bill's wife turned to Garfield, "I-is t-that B-Bob??...", her voice was layered with concern and what Garfield assumed to be anguish. 

Garfield blinked at her. "Who's Bob?" He questioned flatly. He could tell that this women fed off drama. 

"H-he's....m-my...ex boyfriend..m-my emotionally unavailable...ex boyfriend..." She said that almost too awkwardly. 

What a quirky little whore. Garfield thought. So glad I didn't fuck her. 

He forced a shrug and led her inside the coffee shop. She sat down at a table closest to the door. Garfield decided not to sit down. He did have garbage juice and cum all over him. 

Bill's wife blinked at Garfield. 

He made a disgusted expression back at her. 

She looked offended. 

"Aren't you going to get me my drink??" 

"bitch wtf" Garfield responded

"Don't speak to me like that...."

Garfield paused and thought for a second. "one sec"

"k hurry up with my caramel machiattoooo with 4 sugars and soy milk, no whip, extra non dairy and frog hide, almond vinegar, extra virgin song cum, and pumpkin sauce." 

Garfield didn't get any of that so he just went and got a black coffee. 

It was steaming from the cup when he returned. He let out a gasp, that reminded him of what he was missing out on back at the dumpster. 

He let out a loud moan at the thought. "ooOOOOOOoooOHHHHHHHhhhhhh" He gripped the coffee cup too hard, it busted just like he would later tonight. 

Bill's wife let out a loud shriek. "AHHHHHhhHAAAHH" She screamed as the hot black coffee splashed onto her skintight white dress. 

Just as all of this happened, the man in the black trench coat entered the coffee shop....

Bill's wife let out a high pitched squeak before bolting out of the coffee shop. Garfield ran in the same direction as her, but instead back to the dumpster. 

There, you could see the dumpter thrash back and forth as Billy boy and the dinosaur man hugged violently. 

All you could hear were their loud echoed moans throughout the alleyway.  

"Oh Bill.." 

"Oh Barney.."


"HaRdERR" Bill moaned with pure lust.

"AAAAAAAA" Barney grunted with effort as he continued pumping into Bill

"TOO HARD TOO HARD TOO HARD STOP STOP STOP" Bill shrieked, with pain and pleasure and an intense lust for more, but the pain was too much for him to bear. 

"Ahhhh NEMO!! !! NEMOOOOoooOOOO!!" Bill shouted their safe word. Barney couldn't do this, he wasn't ready to pull out yet. He wanted to stay inside of Bill. 

"BARNEY!!!!! NEMOO!!" 

As Garfield and Bill's wife approached the dumpster, they heard Bill's pained screams. Barney let out a roar, as his nuts violently combusted.

Garfield paused in front of the dumpster, Bill's wife was still too in shock to get anywhere near the dumpster. 

Barney pulled out. 

Bill moaned with relief. "OOHHhhhHHH BaRRrrnnNeeyyY, wwwWWeee HhhhAAaaVVvveeeE to ddOO tHHhis AaagGain sooOOOOOOmmetime..." Bill said, pulling his colorful dinosaur boxers back on. 

Barney smirked at Bill. He placed on his sunglasses and hopped out of the dumpster. Bill watched Barney walk away into the dark alleyway as he got dressed. He placed on his now cum-stained lab coat and weakly hobbled out of the dumpster. His back hurt so bad...his knees hurt...but what he wasn't expecting to see when he got out of the dumpster was his wife in a tight dress with coffee stains on it. 

"K-Karen!?...W-what are you d-doing here..." Bill stuttered. He knew his wife must've known about his relationship with Barney now. 

She forced out a sob. "BiLLLLLLLLL!!!! H-HOW....COUULDDS....YOU DO THIS TO ME!!!!!!" she forced herself to cry and collapsed to the ground. "YOU KNOW HOW BOB HURT ME!...." Bill's wife let out a pained sob. 

Bill stared as his curvilicious wifey had crumpled to the ground and sobbed at his feet. The way she grabbed his feet made him assume she had formed a foot fetish.

Bill kicked her away from him. 

He didn't want anything to do with a skinny whore in tight clothes anymore. 
The only person--no creature--no dinosaur, Bill wanted was Barney...Barney was all Bill wanted now..

Bill turned around, searching for  Barney. 

Barney was already out of sight. The dark alleyway, misty with the coming dusk. He stared up at the sky. It felt like it had only been moments since he had hopped inside the dumpster into Barney's muscular purple talons... He wanted-no needed more Barney. He needed those bright blue orbs, everything about Barney made Bill lust for him more. 

Barney was gone... He turned to his wife...soon to be x-wife. 

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