September 14th 2021 | y/n

1.9K 39 17

2:47 P.M

Y/u/n is streaming!
Big News! and then a fun stream with Dream!

I sit in front of my starting screen with my stream muted. "I'm nervous," I say to him. "You'll do great." He tells me.

I smile and look down at my hands. I'm currently kneeling in front of my desk. I haven't built my chair yet. I built my setup yesterday. It was less boring than the first time I did it. I had someone talking to me this time.

I take a few deep breaths and unmute my mic as Dream mutes his. "Hi," I say plainly. Chat begins bursting out with greetings and getting excited over the news. I chuckle and stand up. "I'm just going to wait for the stream to fill a little more," I say nervously.

I wait a few minutes, thanking subs, saying hi to donos. One of my biggest recorded streams recently, with about 48k viewers. Which is a lot for me. Seriously insane.

"Okay..." I tap my desk a few times.

Dweamy Wittle Pissbaby🤡

You've got this

I smile to myself and begin again. "So, I'm sure you're aware of the whole Twitter thing from yesterday." I see a few messages in chat saying they aren't, so I decide I have to explain.

"For a little context, if you don't know, Dream and I are friends outside of the streaming the world. We were talking one day and I let it slip where I live. Which is not North Dakota."

Where do I go now? AHHH.

"We talked for a little while. I told him... My plans." I'll stop being vague in a minute. "Well, early in the morning yesterday, Dream tweeted an airplane emoji and tagged me. Which sprung lots of theorists into action."

"And, this may be a bit disappointing to you all, but I am not in Florida." The chat erupts with sorrow and I can't help but chuckle. "And let me say this when Dream tweeted that, I was out of the loop. He threw me under the bus."

"Dream was the only person I told I was leaving my state. He was the only person on or offline, outside of my family, knowing that I was traveling." Still quite vague.

"And..." Here we go.

I turn my camera on and take a few steps back so I'm fully in view. "I moved." I grin and move my hands up. I see lots of mixed emotions from chat, some saying they love the new room, some OGs missing the nostalgia of the old room. Both are valid points of view.

"So basically, Dream baited you into thinking I was in Florida and I am most definitely not." I grin. I see chat continuously asking me where I am now. I tap my chin a few times. "Go ahead Reddit, figure that one out." I wink.

Oh fuck. I regret this action immediately. "I just got clipped." I groan and collapse to the floor. I roll my eyes and pop my head back up to the monitor.

"And the stream we're doing, we're building my gaming chair," I say cheerily. Dream unmutes and begins laughing. We both choose to ignore the chat.

foreversandy120: y/nwastaken is now my OTP change my mind
haywiremacoroni: The wink just-
dyingcat801: The room is so pretty!
luciferlovechild_: Does my eye deceive me or is this y/nwastaken content???
claire_not_found: Somehow my dnf wallpaper magically disappeared hmm...

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