Chapter Twelve

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The cafeteria got louder every day.

With people making more friends as the school year went on, and all the mysterious crimes continuing around the town, people were always talking. A part of me liked the busy noise and actually welcomed it. My focus on the direct things around me was somehow clearer, and it was easier to drown out all the background noise at once since it all just blurred together. The other part of me wanted to stand on top of the lunch table and scream for everyone to shut up. Don't worry, I'd add in a "please" to make the gesture more decent.

I munched on the turkey sandwich in my hands, wishing I was in Mrs. Lane's room like I had been supposed to. When I had stopped by after the bell rang, she was busy working with a younger student and I didn't want to interrupt, so I decided to stop by and see her tomorrow morning instead.

Dante was sitting directly in front of me, staring intently at the energy drink sitting in front of him. Kinsley was beside him, talking about all the crimes going on and what had been explained in detail on the blog. The poor girl had to tell him all about her prized articles because he was too lazy to read them himself. "It talked all about the possibility of Ricky and Reed being involved," she said. "Wouldn't that be crazy? The kings of the town actually pushing their reputations further in the wrong direction?"

I knew she was speaking from the heart of all her passion-filled personal ideas, but to everyone else around us, she was just a crazy fan of the anonymous blogger.

"Okay, but the likelihood of that being true?" I questioned her. They were two teenage boys. I doubt they were capable of robbing all these businesses without having gotten caught yet.

She shrugged, her focus on her lunch long gone and for a while now. "Close to none," she admitted. "But it's still an entertaining idea."

My gaze locked back on Dante who hadn't been listening at all. I hoped my stare would burn into his brain enough to let him know what I was thinking. He could at least act interested in what his girlfriend was talking about. I say girlfriend, but I guess they technically just hook up. But as her best friend, I knew Kinsley had feelings involved. Unfortunately, I don't think he did at all.

"So," Julian spoke up at the opportunity when Kins finally stopped talking. He had also blessed us with his presence today. I'd almost call it a curse. "Want to get food after school? There's this really cool new tai place downtown."

I didn't respond immediately and waited for Kinsley to. After a long awkward moment, I realized he was only talking to me and not everyone. "No thanks," I declined as politely as possible. "I have council anyway."

"This weekend then?" he continued. "And maybe a party afterward?" I had a feeling he wanted to go to the party just in hopes that I'd dance on him again. Little did he know, I didn't plan on repeating history. Not now that he caught feelings anyway.

"Maybe," I replied, wanting him to just drop it. It was a for sure no, though.

"Ella! Ella!" I heard Macey's voice before she was even close to our table. I guess I subconsciously always listened for her in case she needed me.

I spun around so fast in my chair that Julian and Dante both jumped at the sudden movement. Kinsley was used to it. "What? What's wrong?" I search her for distress, but her short brown hair was still neatly styled and curled under, and her loose, flowy dress was still hanging perfectly. My hands rested on her shoulders as soon as she was within reach. No tears lined her cheeks. No redness around her eyes.

"Bella accused me of liking Skyler and TJ at the same time," she told me.

My shoulders sagged with relief, realizing she wasn't physically hurt. "Well, do you?"

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