Chapter Forty-One

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"I'm missing my last final," I told Principle Laken as soon as he walked into his office.

Sighing, he shut the office door behind him and moved across the room beside me until he collapsed in his cushioned chair. "You should have thought about that consequence before punching a fellow student."

His eyes met mine and he stared at me in a way that gave me the impression that he had never expected this out of me. No one had. Not even me. If only he'd known all the crimes I'd committed too.

"What was that about?" He scanned my wild appearance. In my whole high school experience, I don't think I'd ever shown up in slept-in wrinkled clothes and without at least brushing my hair. "What is wrong with you? I've never seen you so out of character...Do you need to talk to someone? I can call the counselor—he can be here in just a f..."

"I'm fine," I lied, interrupting him. "Just having an off day."

"From what I've heard, you've had an off couple of months."

I furrowed my eyebrows, narrowing my eyes and wondering why there was nothing in the room but awkward space. Mr. Laken was usually a friendly presence. Though I guess this was my fault.

"It means I've heard the rumors," he explained. "I may be the principal, but that doesn't leave me blind and deaf to gossip that goes around." He folded his arms over his chest and leaned back in his chair. "You don't hang out with your friends anymore. Your routine of visiting Mrs. Lane is non-existent. You've skipped classes, you're turning homework in late, your grades are suffering..."

"My grades are fine," I interrupted with an edge to my voice.

"Yes," he agreed, "just not up to your usual know you can talk to me, Ella. Anything you say to me won't leave this room."

That familiar friendly feeling was back, giving me some relief from the tension.

I wanted to, knowing I trusted him as not just a person, but as a friend. But I couldn't. Not this time. "Unless it has to," I reminded him. "I may trust you but you are still the principal of this school. You'll do your job."

Laken inhaled deeply and nodded, knowing I was right. His job came before any friendship he had with students. He folded his dark hands on the desk between us and remained in a few moments of silence. "Does this have anything to do with Mr. Brewer?"

I almost narrowed my eyes but held back so I wouldn't give him a reaction. Though it seemed, my silence was one all in itself.

He nodded in confirmation. "I figured."


"You were both absent for weeks," he reminded me. "And like I said before, I hear the gossip amongst the students here." That made sense. I guess it wasn't all that hard to figure out. "Is there anything I can do?" he asked. I knew if I told him any of my troubles then he'd do anything he could to help me. But I shook my head. "Well, I still have to deal with the matter at hand." My stomach dropped. "You fought a student. You know our policy...I'm going to have to suspend you."

"With all due respect, she slapped me first. She was the one who initiated it."

"But you hit her back. Multiple times if I'm correct."

I swallowed. "You are."

"I'm going to have to suspend you."

My eyes widened and I swear my stomach rolled onto the floor. This is my first time even being sent to the principal's office. "What? No warning?"

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