where it started

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the room was dark. Talia just laid there, on her back staring at the ceiling.

the girl was numb. she sat up and turned on the flashlight on her phone and looked around her room.

there was clothes everywhere, plates of food she hadn't touched and cups of water she hadn't even drank yet.

it was messy.

Talias eyes landed upon her desk, the makeup she hadn't worn in weeks sat there looking bored. she stood up and turned the lights on, her eyes flinching at the shock of seeing a bright light.

turning around, she looked in the mirror, her hair in a messy bun which she hadn't taken out in a week, her mascara smudged under her eyes that she hadn't wiped off from days ago.

she was slowly crumbling. for a while she just sat and stared into the mirror, desperately trying to think of a reason as to why she felt so down, so numb.

all Talia wanted was to feel something, feel pain.

the girl thought feeling pain would be better than feeling nothing at all.

reaching over she grabbed something, rolled her sleeve up and as she drew with silver, it turned red.

finally she felt something, a stinging sensation.

little did she know she just fell into a hole she wouldn't be able to get out of.

as her mum sat downstairs wondering how she could get the dad to care and the daughter help, the girl in her adolescence was upstairs, making her situation worse than it already was.

rolling her sleeve down, she turned the light off and climbed back into her bed.

pulling her phone out of her pocket she went on snapchat.

no new snaps.

she wasn't surprised. nobody messaged her anyways.

she threw her phone across her bed.

curling up into a ball under her thick duvet she started to cry, silently cry.

streams of warm tears flowed down her cheeks and landed on her pillow.

the tears sent her to sleep, she woke up at 4.55am and just laid there, she didn't want to drink, eat or move at all.

this is when she knew she started to be concerned about herself.

skyfall - fictional mental health storyWhere stories live. Discover now