chapter | 3

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Getting Settled In

The day has passed much quicker than Elodie had first anticipated. Felice was true to her word and found Elodie almost immediately after class. For almost the entire day, Elodie enjoyed the company of Felice, Madison and Wilhelm, while also seeing August a few times in passing. It wasn't until the day had come to a close and Elodie was getting her dorm setup that August decided to drop by for a proper conversation.

"Hey," Elodie greeted, as she finished up making her bed. She collapsed onto the bed as August leant against the doorframe. "Oh my god, I'm so tired. I forgot how exhausting school was".

"You haven't been to school for a while?" August asked, "Did something happen?"

"Nah, my dad and I just moved around a lot for a while there, and it was difficult to stay in school. I did online school for a while, so being back on campus and doing physical classes is a lot different to what I've been doing," Elodie explained, "I have no idea how I'm going to do this again tomorrow," She chuckled.

"You'll do great, I know you will," August said encouragingly, "How did you go today? I saw you were hanging out with Wilhelm and the girls. They're nice," Elodie noticed he didn't seem very enthusiastic about it.

"Yeah, they are," She agreed, "Hey, are you going to the party on Friday? I was thinking about going, but I may only go if Felice and Madi do; parties aren't really my scene," She chuckled, as August nodded understandingly.

A knock sounded at the door, and August quickly stepped aside so the Housemistress could address Elodie. "Lights out in twenty minutes," the Housemistress informed, as she looked disapprovingly at August. "You should be in your own dorm, August".

"Ah, you know me, Housemistress," August said charmingly, flashing the housemistress his award winning smile; Elodie had to hide her face so the Housemistress wouldn't see her giggling. "I'm just doing my part in helping Miss Parker get settled in. In fact, Elodie was just telling me how much she enjoyed being here, and how she thinks this term is going to turn out wonderfully".

The Housemistress smiled, and Elodie was unsure if she was pulling on a show as August was, or if she was actually buying the lies August was actively feeding her. Either way, the Housemistress kept her cool and replied calmly. "Well, I'm thankful Miss Parker is finding our school a good fit, but now isn't really the time for conversation. August, I'm sure Miss Parker will be able to unpack her belongings herself, so if you would please return to your own dorm room, that would be very much appreciated". August looked down, averting his eyes from the Housemistress, as the Housemistress turned her attention back to Elodie. "Lights out in twenty".

"Yes, Housemistress," Elodie nodded obediently, as the Housemistress took her leave. As she disappeared from sight, Elodie collapsed into a fit of giggles, August stepping further into the room.

"I'll be the first to admit," August chuckled, "That could have gone a lot better".

"She was not having any of it," Elodie laughed, "How were you able to stay so calm? You flat out lied, and yet you seemed completely genuine! That was so odd to watch," She admitted. August simply shrugged.

"It's a superpower, I guess".

"You should head off, we don't want to piss off the Housemistress again," Elodie said, "I'll meet you before breakfast tomorrow?"

"Oh, most definitely. I look forward to it, Miss Parker," August joked, as he slipped out the door, not allowing Elodie a rebuttal. 


(600 words)

Shorter chapter today, sorry about that :/

How are we liking the story so far? Is there anything you particularly want to see? (I already have the storyline set out, but if there are certain characters you want to see interact - Elodie and someone, or like August and Madison - I can most likely work it into the story). 

Votes and comments are always appreciated! Happy reading!

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