chapter | 12

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Wilhelm could barely wait until the next day to find Simon. After seeking him out in the crowded corridors, Wilhelm approached the other boy with caution, not wanting to screw up as he had done the day before. He waited patiently for Simon to finish up his somewhat heated conversation with his sister before moving in.

"Hi," he greeted unsurely; yesterday had been nothing short of a shit fight, and Wilhelm was anticipating Simon to be cautious. "Are, uh, are you busy? I wanted to talk to you about something".

The excitement and confidence which has once filled Wilhelm to the brim just moments before had flooded out of existence in a matter of seconds. His mind was submerged with anxiety thoughts; Simon wasn't going to hear him out, or think it was a stupid idea, or not care, or laught at him...

"Yeah, what's up?" Simon asked, as he leant against the wall. Wilhelm's confidence sunk deeper out of existence as he locked eyes with Simon, suddenly finding himself speechless, despite having a whole speech planned. "Everything alright, Wille? Is this about yesterday?"

"Yes," Wilhelm replied immediately, then realised that would probably give off the wrong idea for Simon, "I mean no. I mean," He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before taking a breath and starting over. Simon's sympathetic expression calmed Wilhelm down more than it should have. "I'm holding a press conference on Friday. Here. In the afternoon".

This was most definitely not going the way Wilhelm had planned it out in his head.

Simon looked doubtful; the boy stuffed his hands into his jeans pockets as he asked, "Why? So you can tell the world again that you're not gay? I thought you already did that, Wille. Remember the end of last term?"

His tone was light and almost humorous, but Wilhelm was plunged into deep confusion. He couldn't read Simon's expressions, nor his tone, and Wilhelm was unsure if the boy was actually still pressed about what had happened, or what Wilhelm had said last term. "The opposite," The Prince replied, figuring he would just continue anyways and hope everything would turn out alright. "I'm going to come out. Official. And I want you by my side when I do".

Simon's expression dropped, though for some strange reason, Wilhelm didn't think the boy was mad about what he had just said. As Simon opened his mouth to reply, his phone buzzed with a notification. "Sara just sent me a link?" He asked, peering at his phone as the light bounced off his face and lit up his confused eyes.

"Is that unusual?" Wilhelm asked.

"Yeah, considering I'm not speaking to her," Simon replied, as Wilhelm's phone buzzed as well. He silently retrieved it, and upon seeing it was the same link, showed it to Simon. "What the hell do we have here?" Simon asked, as he opened the video link.

August flooded the small phone screen. From the background, the two boys could see August was standing out the front of Hillerska, with students massing around to see what all the commotion was about. His voice came through the small speakers with slight static, but he could be heard clearly enough. "My name is August of Årnäs, and I am here today to put to rest, once and for all, who exactly released the video outing Prince Wilhelm of Sweden".

Simon tore his eyes away from the screen to stare at Wilhelm, though the Prince didn't realise; he was too shocked to move in that moment. What caught his attention, however, was Elodie Parker tearing down the hallway, alongside dozens of other students.

"We should follow them," Simon said, his eyes pinned on the doors which lead to the front of Hillerska.

"Most definitely," Wilhelm agreed, and the two boys took off at a run down the corridor.


Elodie only needed to see two seconds of the livestream before she took off towards the front of the private boarding school. Her mind had been too scrambled to take in Simon and Wilhelm talking as she headed for August, but as it turned out, they weren't far behind her either.

August had already finished his confession by the time Elodie had made it to the front courtyard, students creating a circle around him as they stared in awe as the second cousin to the Prince confessed to his crimes. Elodie had to fight her way through just to lay eyes on him, but she didn't stop there.

As Alexander turned the livestream off and moved the camera away, Elodie made a beeline for August, reaching him in four long strides. She didn't hesitate with her actions; in one foul swoop, she slapped him across the face, forcing the boy to tumble and regain his balance. Once he straightened up, Elodie was surprised to see he wasn't mad, but that didn't stop her.

"You are fucking insane. Do you know what you just did? Huh?" She exclaimed loudly, "You just bought yourself a one way ticket to prison". What infuriated Elodie more was the fact that August didn't even appear to care. He stood there while she yelled, his eyes focused on her but clearly not taking in a word she spoke. "The cops are going to be here soon, so please tell me you have a fucking plan B, because this is a really shitty plan A".

"I know you have a lot of mixed feelings about this," August said calmly, reaching for Elodie but the girl moving away swiftly, "But you're just going to have to accept that this is the way it has to be".

"Fucking bullshit!" Elodie fumbled around with her necklace as she shouted, "I am getting so sick of having to fucking defend your stupid ass! But you, August, you keep doing stupid fucking shit which deepened your grave". Finally, Elodie got the chain from around her neck, and emptied off the two gold wedding bands which usually hung around her neck into her hand. "Take this," She held out one of the rings, "Put it on and don't take it off, you hear me? Don't fucking take it off".

August took the ring but didn't put it on. Elodie shoved her onto her left ring finger, as sirens sounded in the distance. Seconds later, flashing lights came into view, a collective gasp sounding through the crowd of curious students. Seeing August hadn't done as she had asked, Elodie snatched the ring back and shoved it on his finger herself. 

"Elle," August tried, as Wilhelm appeared behind her, grabbing her hand for support. "You need to get her out of here. Don't let her near the station, alright Wilhelm?" August asked, as his cousin just stared.

"You are unbelievable, you know that?" The prince replied icily, as cops pulled up in the driveway. Teachers and the Headmistress were standing by the entrance, and the crowd parted easily as men in uniforms strolled through, their eyes trained on August.

Wilhelm, with Simon's help, dragged Elodie away from August, who was now in handcuffs and being hauled off by the police. With all eyes locked on the departing vehicles, Simon asked uncertainly, "What now?"

He received no answer. 


(1200 words) 

don't even ask me when the next update is coming, it probably won't be for another week or so. 

also exams start next week and your boi now has shifts so updates will probably be double slow. 

hope you enjoyed!

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