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"Are you sure about that?" Adam asks me as he stares at his drink. The bubbles on his beer popping one by one as the seconds tick by. His offer is really tempting. Hitchhiking across America. That's always been the dream. It doesn't have to be America in particular. It's that certain word, "hitchhiking".

The thought of living off with just your backpack and what money you have, relying on strangers for a ride to a place you don't even know where.

The uncertainty. Not knowing where you'll end up the next day or who you'll meet along the way.

The unpredictability. Being surprised by what life throws at you as you walk aimlessly.

The thrill. The way that you never know the bends and curves of the streets, the high and low of each jump, the lightness and heaviness of each step.

The liveliness. The feeling of being alive as you savor the breeze of the wind against your skin in the early morning, as you feel the sun kiss your face at noon, as you watch the stars as they look back at you at night.

The moment. The fact of just being there, witnessing and feeling all of nature and the people that surrounds you.

It's what I live for. Until I met her. Somehow she managed to make me feel all of those things just by being on her side. I didn't have to travel a single mile to experience the rush, the excitement.

She's the uncertainty that I live for. The feeling that I get whenever she turns at an unfamiliar street or corner whenever we're on a date. It's like opening a gift, the excitement when the ribbon slowly detaches itself from the box. That heart raising feeling as you put your hand inside trying to get a feel of what's waiting for you and in that moment your mind goes through a million possible things.

She is unpredictable. The way her mood changes with just a blink of an eye if something excites or worries her. The way she surprises me each day as I get to know more of her little by little.

She is the thrill that I seek. Just the way that she calls out my name is able to make my heart skip a beat. The way my name rolls out her tongue like it was meant to be the only word to ever leave her mouth.

She makes me feel alive. Every kiss that lingers burns through my skin. Every trail that her lips travel across my body is enough to bring my mind and heart into overdrive.

She is the moment. When the corners of her lips turns up which makes her cheek dimples appear on both sides, that's it. I'm done for. Or whenever her gummy smile makes an special appearance which never fail to melt my heart.

Her beauty, her smile, her eyes, just everything about her beats the grandest views I've ever seen.

Whenever my hands wander around her bends and curves I'm reminded of the  mountains and hills I've climb and trekked before. Every feel, every touch gives me the same feeling.

Her blonde lockes matches those sunrise and sunsets that I have always loved watching. The way it cascades down her shoulders down to her back or whenever the wind tousles it reminds me of the golden reflection of the sun across the ocean. Both give me serenity.

And those deep brown orbs that twinkle whenever she smiles reminds me of the stars at night. The way it lights up her face like the stars light up the sky is everything to me. But unlike the stars, she is reachable. She is right here. Shining upon me, shining upon my days making it brighter each day. I couldn't have asked for more.

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