Chapter 14: Crying Over the Final Death

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I plan on drawing Danny in one of these, which do y'all think would be better for him?


Danny never liked it when Youngblood would cry so seeing him in such a peaceful position was relieving. Danny wasn't leaving until he woke up, or until his parrot pal came to get him. He said morning, right? Danny didn't believe him, morning meant afternoon and every time after was later than told.

Danny flipped onto his back and stared at the ceiling, the curtains over his windows were closed so light was forbidden. He didn't much mind, more so he was grateful his friend could get some sleep. He mumbled constellations to himself.

Memories of Jazz echoed through his skull subconsciously.

"What do like about the constellations so much? It's just a bunch of stars."

Jazz and Danny sat in front of a TV watching another shuttle launch. Danny said this one was his favorite. Granted, he said that about ever tape they watched. He held an astrology book in his lap as the TVs lights and colors flashed across his face forming shadows on the side of his face. "They are not just stars. Stars are made of gas and hold stories."

Jazz smiled slightly scooting over to her brother's side and crossed her legs. Lights shouted at her face, the sound of the shuttle shooting up into the atmosphere had grown annoying after the first three they watched before hand. "How about you tell me about the stars? Their stories I mean, maybe I'll learn to like them more." Jazz said putting her hand on the astrology book.

Danny's eyes lit up and he gasped. They twinkled and Jazz couldn't help but smile. She didn't want to watch shuttles launch or read astrology books but anything was better listened to than they're parents arguing. It wasn't harsh but they fought over Purgatorio. How it was built and why it was there to begin with. Jazz hated it when her parents fought over, in her opinion, meaningless things.

But Danny knew they were fighting, why else would Jazz be with him and not in the kitchen making lunch like she usually would? Jazz had it on her schedule of when to make lunch and she hated not following the rules she'd given herself.

Danny hated when his parents fought.

Just keep talking about the stars.

Danny was shaken awake by a refreshed Youngblood with renewed energy. He must have fallen back asleep. He pushed Youngblood away and sat up. Danny felt his insides shake in place, even with enhanced healing over the past few days, he was still injured. He had reminded himself that his organs were fairly new and, because of constant extraction, needed time to heal. His body did think it was dead after all, hopefully healing will persuade his body that he was not all dead.

"I'm up, no need to shake me- what's with the face?"

Danny held his head with a hand to help with the headache, it did. Somewhat.

Youngblood was breathing really fast but looked relieved, and the desperation in his eyes and mouth were obvious. His hands shook and his eyes twitched looking for something, Danny wasn't what he was looking for.

"Are you okay? Why were crying? Did you have a bad dream?" Could it even be considered a bad dream? Or maybe it was considered a hint to accept reality for what it was.

Jasmine was dead. Reality was cruel and those who accepted it for what it was were as so. Danny reached for his face and noticed he was crying. Yes, he had been and still was, he couldn't stop it but tried to anyway. He wiped his face and eyes causing his face to redden. His eyes glowed and flashed, his legs flashed in out of visibility and invisibility.

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