C.5 Love My Daddy

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Katsuki was thorough in the re-decorating of his room. The bottom of his closet had a giant chest taking up the once empty space, filled with the items he had bought this morning, now freshly washed and ready for use.

There were pastel orange curtains sandwiched between his two blackout curtains so the bright color was successfully hidden until needed.

A black carpet covered the floor next to his bed until it reached the wall. It covered a pastel rainbow carpet easily. He had a pastel rainbow bean bag with a black blanket thrown over it and opaque plastic green containers stacked on top of each other filled with other little space items disguised as a black blanket covered nightstand. The containers were perfect for holding coloring pages, illustrated books, and other items that might be needed throughout the day if Izuku was in littlespace.

All of it was ready for use, Katsuki just had to get Izuku to come to his dorm and regress. If Izuku already saw him as a CG, it would explain why he acted so weird during sparring? Bakugou cringed; if Izuku had been in that mind set when the blonde hit him, it was understandable why he had been avoiding Katsuki.

Bakugou would just have to make it up to him.


Tomorrow was Friday, another day of school Izuku was planning on skipping. Maybe if he just buried himself under his covers for twelve hours straight he would disappear. Midoriya's phone pinged, but he decided to ignore it. Maybe if he was gone for long enough, Class 1a and Bakugou would forget about him - which was probably for the better, Midoriya thought, trying to convince himself that that was true.

A few minutes later a loud knock woke Izuku from the fitful nap he had fallen into.

"Go awayyyy."


Midoriya hissed as he got up, why did his boyfriend have to be so loud? Izuku unlocked the door and swung it open, only to be pulled out into the hallway. Bakugou had him in a tight hug that he could not help but melt into. It was worrying for Izuku, the blonde was not one for PDA.

"Kacchan? Are... are you ok?"

He whispered it into the others hair as he gently rubbed his boyfriends back. Bakugou hoisted Midoriya up, wrapping the smaller teens thick legs around his waist and wrapping his arms under his butt. Izuku sucked in a short breath, just this light manhandling made his inner little scream in pleasure.

"Kacchan, I need you to put me down. I really love the hugs, but right now I can't be held like this."

Katsuki started walking down the hall to his room while slowly rocking his boyfriend, knowing exactly what he was doing to the Izuku.

"Why not? You usually beg me to hold you like this, you're my baby, right?"

Midoriya choked at the pet name. He wanted to be Bakugou's baby so bad, but not in the way he thought the blonde was thinking.

"Kacchan, yes I'm you're... boyfriend, and I do love it when you do this, but I-"

Shivers ran through his body as Bakugou moved a hand to rub his back gently and kissed the side of his head.

"You're such a good boy, baby, don't you wanna spend time with me?"

Midoriya could not stop the whimper that forced it's way out of him. Bakugou chuckled and opened his bedroom door easily, closing it behind them. Tears welled in Izuku's eyes as he fought against himself.

"I- I do da- Kacchan, but I'm not feeling well right now and I should really be in self quarantine right now. How about we do this on Sunday after-"

Katsuki sat down easily on his bed and repositioned Izuku so he was sitting on his lap, pulling the black covers over them with the blonde's back against the headboard.

"I wanna cuddle with you now, baby, you must be so sleepy tossing and turning without me at night. Did you miss me?"

A few tears slipped down Izuku's face as he nodded, avoiding Bakugou's eyes. He nuzzled his face into the crook of his boyfriends neck, body relaxing. He was slipping fast.

"'eally missed you, I wanna sleepy."

"Mkay baby, daddy will stay with you."

Izuku took in a shuddery breath and sank into Katsuki's hold completely.

"Love my daddy."

If Midoriya had had his eyes open, he would see the small smile that graced Bakugou's cruel lips.

"I love you too, Izu."

Izuku fell into the first deep sleep he had had in over a month.

Kacchan can't know!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora