Chapter Twelve

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All rightttt here’s the chapter you’ve all been waiting for, the one where my little plot is completely revealed. Okay that’s a lie not completely. But you’ll see. This should be interesting. Sorry this one was kinda late, I had exams last week and then I was sick and I got my braces on yesterday :P life sucks. BUT! I’m excited to say that I’m going on the March for Life tomorrow and Friday!! Eek! Perfect week to remember LIFE guys that great gift, thank your mom for giving it to you!

All right enough blabbing. Enjoy and please fan/vote/comment COMMENT especially that would means loadssss and I love to hear your input!!


Chapter Twelve

♥         Astrid       ♥

Initially, our time in London wasn’t much different from what we had been doing in Michigan, minus the sight-seeing, ironically enough. Josh decided it would be too dangerous to roam around the city now that Young had officially set the AWOL up against us. It would only be a matter of a few hours before they tracked us to London, where we had been forced to use passports. Or maybe Wulf wasn’t with us and he knew we were in London already.

Either way, our weekend was spent inside the flat. Only Josh left early Saturday morning to pick up enough groceries for a week, making sure to practice a flawless Londoner accent before he went. He rented a car after I bullied him into it; I hated being without the easy escape route of a vehicle.

A complaining Joel and I stayed at the house, exploring for as long as we could, which wasn’t very long at all. I did, however, find spare clothes in the dresser in my bedroom and quickly changed out of the jeans I had been wearing for more than a week. I was also relieved to see that the bathroom, and therefore the shower, was in perfect working condition; it was so nice to be clean again.

Saturday and Sunday were quiet. We lay around the flat, trying not to think of what we would do next, because truthfully I had no idea. Though we had moved across an ocean, it felt as though we were back in the motel room, lost and alone. Josh grew restless again: I could see it in the roving of his eyes as he lay on the couch or in the spring in his step as he paced. He wanted to be moving again, but we had no idea where to go.

Sunday night Josh received a text from Wulf, short and succinct. A Delta team had arrived in London, handpicked by Young himself, and they were already on the lookout for us. I was far from shocked by this; if anything the surprise was why it had taken Young so long to find our location. Wulf also said that although he wasn’t leading the group, he was with them there in London, which came as a relief to Josh but with slight suspicion to me. He told us to stay put and wait it out for a few days.

And so we did. Until that Wednesday, the twenty-first of December, when Josh was going stir-crazy and began to dismantle his gun and put it back together again with a look on his face that didn’t bode well for the near future. Joel was restless too, complaining about how many basketball practices he’d missed and how his coach was going to kill him.

So much like the motel again, I received a phone call. I was becoming used to the shock of the outside world knowing who I was, and so I answered to Jay’s voice somewhat calmly, stepping into my bedroom as the boys gave me curious looks. The call was short – indeed, my brain didn’t kick in until some time later – as was his message: He recited the address of some hotel in inner-city London and told me to meet him there – “so you can find out about what I told you would interest you.”

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