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A/N this is the last chapter. Plus the epilogue. I can't believe my story has come this far. Thanks for all the support. Let the last chapter begin.

Tyler's POV

Here we are. Sat on the plane. VIP might I add. Two weeks away from my babies. Man I'm going to miss them.

"Stop thinking about the pups, sweetheart. This is about me and you. No pups. No parents. No pack. Just us. Relax there fine." Logan soothed it my ear. I relaxed almost instantly as soon as his lips connect with my neck. God I love this man.

He refuses to tell me where we are going. Bastard. He chuckles from beside me and I know he heard me.

"I'm not telling you, babe. Sleep. Its a long flight ahead of us." He murmers. I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder. I close my eyes and feel Logan wrap his arm around me and place a kiss on the top of my head before I slip into a dreamless sleep.


"Wake up...Tyler wake up...Mrs Tyler Day get that sexy little ass moving before I move it for you," I groan and open my eyes. I look up to see a smirking Logan. "Wake up beautiful. Were landing in 5 mins." He kisses my forehead and I look out the window. Fuck a duck. Australia, Sydney.

I look up at Logan and he grins down at me. There's something he's not telling me. I let it slide knowing I won't get it out of him any time soon. I snuggle further into his side and look out the window as the ground comes closer and closer.

**1 hour later**

We're now in a car heading away from Sydney towards the coast. I groan and lie along the back seat with my head in Logans lap. He chuckled and started running his hand through my hair.

"Not long now." Logan said looking out the window. My wolf is purring as he runs his hand through my hair. Stupid wolf. I resist the urge to sleep right now.

After 5 more minuets the car stops. I yamn and sit up. Logan opens the door and gets out pulling me with him. I take in my surroundings. A dock? Why the fuckballs are we at a dock? Logan grabs my hand and pulls me towards one of motor boats.

He jumps in and I'm about to jump in after him when he wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me up. I gasp in shock. He laughs at my sudden shock. Little devil. He puts me down and kisses my lips.

"So were not staying in Sydney?" I ask against his lips. He shakes his head 'no' before pulling me towards the passenger seat. He fires up the engine and he pulls out of the harbour.

I must of drifted off some point during the boat ride. I was awoken by my body being picked up bridal style. Logan. I open my eyes and cuddle into his chest. He kisses my forehead and places me on the...sand? I look up and gasp.

Hes taken me to an island with a beach house. I love it. Isolated and private. No one to complain. Perfect. Logan must have heard my thoughts because he immediately turned me around and smashed his lips to mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and he picks me up. With in seconds we're inside the house and I'm on the bed with Logan hovering over me.

Let's just say things got a little saucy this evening.


Logans POV

I woke up lieing on top of a naked Tyler. My head on her shoulder. I close my eyes and let last nights memories flood back to me. Just at the thought has Logan Jr excited. I groan and carefully get off Tyler. Time for a cold shower. I kiss her forehead and she groans and mumbles something before turning over and hurrying her head in the pillow.

I look at the mess of the room and suppress a laugh. Clothes are thrown all over the place. The bed is a complete mess. And...shit. I face palm. We didn't use fucking protection. I don't think Tyler's ready for another pup yet. Don't get me wrong I'll be over the moon but I don't think we can handle a baby and two 10 month olds. Oh fuck.

I turn on the shower and dive in. Cold. Just what I need. After my cold shower I turn the heat on and clean up just as the door opens and Tyler jumps in with me. She wraps her arms around my waist from behind and kisses my back. I groan and bring her to my front. Great. Logan Jr is all excited again.

"Round 2?" She whispers in my ear and nibbles my ear lobe. I growl and pin her to the wall before smashing my lips on hers.

-2 hours later-

"Well that was officially the longest shower in history." Tyler yells from the bathroom. I laugh and try tidying up the bed before Tyler pounces on my back and wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. She rests her head on my shoulder and kisses my temple.

"Be careful babe. I could easily go for round 3." I say. She laughs and hops of my back. She's wearing shorts and I tank top. Her hairs in a messy side plait. She walks into the kitchen and I'm greeted with the smell of bacon and pancakes.

I groan and walk into the kitchen to see Tyler making breakfast. I sit at the kitchen island with a cup of iced tea.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask her. I can practically see the cogs turning in her head as she thinks.

"I really need to let my wolf out. I haven't had a chance to run since the pups were born. We're the only people on the island right?" I nod and dig into the food placed in front of me.

"OK we'll head after this. We got the island to ourselves. My dad owns it. Private property." I explain. She nods and digs into her meal.


After our long run we come back to the island house and she instantly collapses onto the bed and in seconds I hear her soft snoring as she hugs the pillow her head is on. I laugh softly at her sleeping form and join her. God I love this girl more then I ever thought I could love some one.

The minuet I laid my eyes on her I loved her. We've been through so much together. She shifted. Was kidnapped. Went through hell and back together because of Finn and Jake. We had pups and we got married. I love this girl and I know not a dull day will go by with her. I love her and would happily die for her.


A/N ITS THE LAST CHAPTER. (Cries) this book has come so far and I hope more people read it in the future. There is still the epilogue. I don't know when it will be up. Hope you liked my book. I love all the people that have read through all the crap chapters and supported me. I'm only 13 and have struggled with English a lot. This has really boosted my confidence. Thank you again for all the support.





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