The Reveal

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Logan's POV

Once I had taken Tyler up to my room and tucked her in I went downstairs to talk to her brother. As soon as I walked in I sat down opposite Toby.

"So you've shifted?" I asked casually

"Yes, but Tyler doesn't know a thing about werewolves."


He hesitated "well on my birthday last year my dad took me to the forest when he noticed my wolf emerging. Our mum is human but our dad is a werewolf. My sisters wolf is dormant. My dad is certain that her wolf will emerge once she has been marked and mated."

"Well I better tell her then."


"No she is m-"

I stopped suddenly when Tyler walked in with a confused expression on her face. "Tell me what exactly?" She said and raised an eye brow and a hand on her hip.

"Shit" I mumble to myself. Its now or never dude! My wolf joined in. Fine, but if it goes wrong its on you buddy.

I say

"Alright you can tell her dude." Toby says and stands up only for his sister to growl at him and he instantly sat down. "No! Your not going no where Toby!" She said and came to sit next to me.

"Now please, enlighten me as to what you are both so reluctant to tell me about" her voice firm and leaving no room for arguing and then she added " and be quick I need to find our mum and dad."

Me and Toby exchanged looks "now or never." Toby encouraged. Be straight out with it dude no hideing the truth from her and mate might I add

I groan "fine, but promise you won't freak out." She only nodded her head in agreement and gave me the look saying countine-before-i-force-it-out-of-you. I took a big breath. "I'm a werewolf" I said it bluntly expecting her to screem or call me insane or something else along those lines. What actually happened surprised both me and Toby.

She burst out laughing. After a minute of laughing she started clutching her side and she was crying with laughter. Me and Toby both furrowed our brows.

"What's so funny, Ty" Toby said. Again her answer shocked us a bit.

"Your both fucking insane that's what." I growled and grabbed her hand leading her outside into the garden. Toby followed. She was still laughing until I took of my shirt. She was checking me out. I smirked and she saw blushing and saying "what in the name of hell are you doing stripping in your garden for?" I chuckled and didn't answer. Next I took off my jeans only leaving me in my boxers.

I slowly started to shift and her smirk instantly dropped. My claws extended along with my canines. I slowly let the fur sprout along my body from my pours. She was standing there with her mouth open as I shifted. I let the shift happen faster now as I didn't want to cause myself to much pain. I shifted and stood in my big pure black wolf.

I slowly started walking up to her. To my surprise she didn't back up she took a step forward cautiously. I took  another until we were touching. My wolf pured as she ran her fingers through my black fur. I nuzzeled her side as she did. Not once did she take her eyes of me. "Logan" she whispered. "Is that you." I nodded my head as she countined to stroke my fur.

I led down and she sat down with me. Her movements slow and cautious as if I would suddenly eat her alive. Once she was sat down next to me I slowly moved closer to her so I could rest my head on her lap. She leaned against me while absent mindedly running her hand through my fur. I purred constantly.

We must have been there a while before she took her eyes of me and looked at her brother "so you to then?" She asked. Toby just nodded and let his gaze drop to the floor. "Show me" she said. His face came up at that and he willingly shifted. His wolf was a chocolate brown colour with a white eye patch and a white ear. He came over to us and nuzzeled his head in his sisters neck.

She laughed and then completely relaxed against me with her brother still led down in front of her.

"Ohmyfuckinggod!" She said "your both werewolves!" Realition finally kicking in. Me and Toby just nodded our heads in confirmation. "How come I'm not if my brother is then?" She asked "oh right you can't talk. Go shift and then you guys have a lot of explaining to do." With that she walked into the house and left us there to shift.





A/N well she finally knows then. More will be revealed in the next chapter don't panic. I type up a book I wrote on paper at some point again a werewolf book. Tell me if I should. 865 words!





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