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Toni's POV:

We're doing training stations. I'm practicing archery right now, one of my worst skills.

That's why I'm trying to train for it, in case I'm stuck with only a bow and arrow. Plus it's good to not show off my better skills so I'm more underestimated.

In real life, it's best to have one really good thing, rather than to be okay at everything.

But in the hunger games, you need to be good at everything. And suffice to say, I am not.

I pull the arrow back and shoot it pretty badly, but it still manages to land on the third ring.

I laugh a little at myself but recompose when my grave situation dawns on me once again. It was really the serious faces of those around me that brought me back.

But just as I do so, in comes a not so serious face.

"Gorgeous form you got there, Three." says the girl from district 1, Glimmer I believe, smirking at me like a piece of meat, and clearly not talking about my archery form.

Some of her career friends behind her laugh at her statement.

I just force a smile, remembering that I was supposed to try to get an alliance with them.

Lumen sees our interaction from across the room and mouths to me, "Hey, you good?"

I give him a reassuring nod. He goes back to doing whatever it was that he was doing, and the careers walk up to me.

"You're a lousy shot" the guy from 1 jokes.

I chuckle "I'm definitely not the best, but I have other talents I can bring to the table" I say, vaguely.

"Like what?" says the girl who hasn't spoken yet, Clove. She sounds the rudest and clearly likes me the least. So I'll have to be sure to get onto her good side in order to form this alliance.

"Like a good time" Glimmer says seductively.

Jesus this girl is horny. In a funny way though.

"Kidding" she says. "Maybe"

"Well I'm sure that I could" I flirt back. "But that's not exactly what I was referring to." I say while Clove stares at me.

"Alright girl, you've got our attention. Go on and show us" Marvel says.

Clove scoffs. "Our attention, please. You know you guys don't have to get on your knees for every pretty face you see. And even the career from three is a weak little kid. Imagine what she'll be" she says, eyeing my up and down, sizing me up.

"Sorry excuse me. If we could have a word please" Glimmer says sweetly, turning to her group.

And after a couple seconds of arguing comprised mostly of Glimmer yelling at Clove, they turn back to me.

"Alright show us" Clove says, annoyedly.

"Alright well..." I scramble for something that I'm actually good at. This is my chance to prove myself to them. To Clove especially.

I see the knife station, and I'm above decent at knives, so I think I'll go for it.

I just hope that none of them is really good at knives. Especially Clove. I think she'd kill me if I did anything wrong, but also if I did anything right.

I go over to the knife station and they follow me.

Clove looks on at the station I chose in amusement. Cato laughs.

Right away, this is not a good sign.

I grab the knife, and even though I'm extremely nervous right now, I somehow manage to hit the bullseye.

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