Tell Me a Secret

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Here I am. The luxury suite. Anxiously waiting for my first client.

I sit on the large bed with a nice dress, from the wardrobe they'd provided me with.

And I tell myself not to cry. It won't be that bad. Who cares about losing your virginity anyways. It's just some dumb label.

Then I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in" I say, knowing they'd have a key.

I inwardly plead that it wasn't some old guy.

The door opens and I look up to see a young woman around my own age.

She kind of reminded me of... Clove?

"Oh my gosh. It is such an honor to be here. My name's Aspasia" she introduces, getting on the bed.

"Lovely to meet you, Aspasia" I say, kissing her hand, making her giggle. Already, I felt like I wouldn't be able to do it. I could feel my hands shaking.

Seeing her closely, I noticed she truly did resemble Clove. To the point where it must've been intentional.

"Do you like it? I know it's your first time, so I wanted it to be special. And I saw how much you loved Clove, so I figured I'd dress up like her" she says, cheerfully.

Her words nearly made my brain stop functioning. Wanted it to be special? Are you kidding me?

I look at her hair, just like Clove's was in the Games. She had fake freckles on, colored contacts, and a costume of the outfit we wore in the arena.

"Are you alright? Do you not like it?" she asks, seeming honestly confused as to why I wouldn't.

"No, no, love. It's great. I just need to go to the bathroom real quick to freshen up. You get comfortable. I'll be right back" I say, quickly walking to the bathroom and closing the door.

I sit on the floor with my back against the door and shakily hold my hand over my mouth, trying not to cry.

What kind of sick game is this? It really shows how fucked up this world is, where young citizens can't even comprehend how wrong the things they do are.

She thinks it's kind to pretend to be my dead lover? To have me be reminded of the pain of losing her while I suffer through the pain of losing my virginity?

I don't know if I'll be able to go back out there and face that messed up impersonator. But I know I have to.

I can't screw up already. Snow will find some way to punish me. Even though this whole thing is already one big punishment.

"Are you alright in there?" the woman asks, loudly.

"Yes. Be right out!" I yell back. Fuck!

Okay, Toni. You can do this.

I go to the sink and splash some water on my face and then wipe it with a towel.

I take a few deep breaths and try to stop my hands from shaking.

I've faced far worse than this girl. It's just like the Hunger Games. I just need to forget about everything else and just live until the end.

With this, I walk out of the bathroom and go back to the bed.

"Were you trying to tease me by making me wait so long" says the girl, pouncing on top of me.

"You caught me" I say, making sure my voice didn't waver.

"Well don't tease any longer. Come on" she says, unzipping my dress.

"Wait, wait. You don't mind, do you?" she asks, pulling out a knife. "I know Clove loved knives".

I nod, trying to keep my mind blank, and she cuts my dress off with the knife. She undresses herself and gets on top of me to kiss my neck while holding her knife against it.

"I've never been with a woman, you know. Never even considered it until I saw you on my television screen. I guess my parents realized my infatuation with you, because they paid top dollar to get you as an early birthday present for me to experiment with" she says, caressing my face with the knife.

Her whole knife kink was pretty horrifying, but I had to play along.

"And I brought all sorts of toys for us to try out" she says seductively, pointing to a bag she brought.

"You're so beautiful" she says, going back to sucking on my neck.

I whimper at the sudden contact but she thinks it's a moan and seems proud of herself.

"That's right, gorgeous. Moan my name" she says, pulling the fucking knife back out.

Shit. What was her name again?

"Aspasia" I fake a moan.

She just tsks me and holds the knife to my neck again, freaking me out.

Keep your cool, Toni. She can't kill me. Right?

"Call me Clove, babe" she whispers.

I gulp and nod, realizing just how hard this was about to be.

*time skip so my poor bb can have her privacy**

"You were amazing, baby" the woman breaths out, pecking me on the lips. I give her a smile.

"Sorry about the cut, by the way. I got carried away" she apologizes for drawing a bit blood on my neck.

If only she knew that was the smallest way she'd hurt me today.

"It's okay" I say, softly.

She smiles at me. "God you're perfect. This was perfect" she says contently, snuggling into me under the covers.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I ask, suddenly remembering Finnick's advice.

"Of course, baby. Anything for you" she says.

"Can you tell me a secret?"

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