Birthday Love 1

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"Happy Birthday, Mommy!" Peyton yelled jumping on the bed waking me up.

"Thanks, Tink." I said with my eyes still closed. She kissed my cheek and tried to open my eyes.  It was Saturday and I wanted to sleep in just for a little while.

"Get up. We're on a--" she paused because I guessed she didn't know what she wanted to say. She jumped down and went to the top of the stairs to ask Brandon. She ran back and said, "we're on a sched-ule."

"What schedule? Leave me alone little girl." I said into my pillow.

"Mommy, you have to open your eyes to see the surprise." She said jumping up and down on the bed.

"Okay. Okay." I opened my eyes and gasped when I saw at least fifty balloons floating around the room.

Some had cards and pictures hanging from the string. I smiled and grabbed her into a hug.

"Surprise!" Her and Bran yelled as he walked into the room with a tray of breakfast for us to eat in bed.

"Thank you. It's beautiful. I just want to know  how you guys did this with me in here?" I smiled making my way to the bathroom as Bran set everything up with his little helper.

When I came from the bathroom Tink had turned on Cinderella with Brandy and Whitney Houston in it. Brandon blessed the food and I thought I was in heaven. He had made pancakes, bacon, sausage, cheese eggs, fresh fruit and apple juice.

"Strawberries with no whip cream?" I asked sinking my teeth into a piece of pineapple.

"That's for later." He winked and leaned over to kiss me. "Happy Birthday, baby."

"What's for later?" Tink asked looking up with syrup all over her face.

"Cake. We're getting cake later remember?" Bran said and I laughed at his cover up.

We finished breakfast and lounges around for a while before we got the day started. I kept asking questions, but I was getting no answers. It was Peyton's idea that we all wear the same color scheme. We had on purple, black and denim. Our first stop was the mall and I was so excited. We walked hand in hand from store to store. I snuck away from them while they were in Footlocker looking at Jordan's and headed over to Victoria's Secret. I never understood, Peyton was a girly girl, but she was in love with sneakers. Her shoe game was better than some men I knew.

"Where'd you go?" Bran asked when I came back to them sitting on the bench outside of the store.

"Just went to check something out. We've been here for two hours can we go now?" I asked him.

"Yeah. We need to drop Peyton off at Lisa's. MaKayla has been bugging her to see Pey."

"Let's go!" She jumped off the bench. "We're still on a--Papa what's the word again?" She asked with her face scrunched up.


"Yeah. Schedule. Chop, chop." She said clapping her hands.

We went to drop her off and we were just driving around until we pulled up to Tranquility. It was one of the best and most expensive spas in town. I instantly leaned over and kissed him.

"I love you so much right now." I said and then replied to a text from Khadijah.

"I love you too. Now give me your phone." He held his hand out.

"Why?" I asked still texting until my phone was taken from my hands. "I was doing something."

"I know you. You were doing something with work. I want you to relax today, okay?"

He got out and opened my door and we headed inside. I almost died when I found out that he got us the Ultimate Couples Package. Deep Tissue massage, chocolate and champagne body wraps, reflexology, facials and manicures and pedicures. We were going to be there forever relaxing and getting pampered. We did everything together all while we were served   At the last minute Brandon wanted to go into the sauna. I didn't feel like it so I got a pamphlet to see what else they offered.

"What exactly is a Yoni steam?" I asked the receptionist.

"Yoni is the Sanskrit word for womb or vagina. It's a treatment to cleanse and revitalize the uterus. Personally I love it. It' It helps relieve pain associated with menstrual cycles, healing and toning the reproductive system  after birth. Would you like to try it?" She asked me and I didn't think twice before I was in the room getting my Yoni steamed.

The room had a Victorian feel to it and I was practically sitting on a fancy toilet with steam flowing into my Vajayjay. At first it felt really weird, but then I relaxed and got really comfortable. I let the calming music and the smell of the herbs sooth me. I sat there for forty five minutes meditating and doing positive thinking. On my way out I noticed a display of Yoni eggs and inquired about them.

"Oh these? The eggs are made from precious stones. They help strengthen your vagina and pelvic muscles. You can do kegels or use a yoni egg or both. You just have to be relaxed to put it in They can't get stuck or lost. If you have a hard time getting it out just relax and it'll come right on out. Trust when I say they improve your sex life also. Orgasms are amazing after using the eggs." She said holding one up.

"What size do I get?" I asked looking at the display.

"Usually you start bigger and work your way down. You can also get a tray which has different sizes and gemstone eggs for different healing properties." She showed me five different trays.

"Okay, I'll take the Royal Crown." She wrapped it up and I put it inside of my purse.

Once I left the Yoni arena I saw Brandon sitting on the bench Texting on his phone.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting." I sat on his lap and put my head on his shoulder.

"It's your day. I'm cool. You ready to go? What'd you do while I was in the sauna?" He asked while we were walking to the car.

"Yoni steam."

"Yoni? Help me out."

"I got my vajayjay steamed." I said as he gave me a knowing smirk. "Can we run home before we pick Pey up?" I asked causing him to speed in the direction of our house.

The door wasn't even completely closed before he ripped the buttons off of my shirt. Needless to say we never made it the bedroom. We were in the shower when Bran told me he was going to get Pey and I could stay home and chill for a while. He got out before I did and when I got back to the room my favorite snacks were on the bed and he had the TV on Beyond Scared Straight.

I thought it was strange that I hadn't heard from any of my friends or my sister all day, but that thought left me as quickly as it came. My husband and my baby girl had made my day. I was sitting there eating Twizzlers when I got a text from Bran.

That was only the beginning. You never ask for anything, but you deserve everything. Be ready by 7. I love you, Camille.

I don't believe in "bad" birthdays, plus Cam deserves some relaxation and pampering. No, nothing crazy is going to happen and ruin her day or at least I hope not. Thanks for reading!

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