57| where the snowbourn meets the entwash

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I lifted my arm, carefully eyeing the target and ignoring the dull throb in my abdomen. With a steadying breath, I threw the blade, watching as it embedded into the wooden circle before me.

Another miss.

With a frown, I lowered my arm.

A bell tolled in the distance, and I watched as some of the men around me began to leave the grounds. I exhaled. It was finally time.

That bell signified the beginning of an afternoon training session, lead by Aragorn and Legolas

I suppose being the best swordsman and archer had its perks, I thought. Not just for them, but also for me, since it meant they would be busy for the next hour or so.

Quickly, I retrieved my knife, before making my way towards the stables, careful to avoid attracting any unnecessary attention.

Slowly, I pushed open the door. Just as I anticipated, it was left unsupervised. Perfect.

Slipping inside, I scanned the many stalls until my eyes fell upon a familiar horse: Hasufel.

"Gi suilon, Hasufel," I murmured as I approached the horse, letting him get used to my presence. "How would you like to accompany me to the Entwash river?"

The chestnut coloured horse pawed at the ground impatiently with a snort, tugging at the rope attached to him

I chuckled quietly to myself.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Grabbing a saddle, a bit and the reins, I fitted them onto him, fastening the straps with my fingers so that they were tight but not uncomfortable for him. It was a motion that I was not used to, since Aldion never required any riding equipment, but it was my only option.

This was one mess I did not want to drag Aldion into. He had followed by my side so faithfully, and I refused to let him follow me to peril and possibly...death.

I sighed.

Finally, I slung my small bag over his back, consisting only of some water and food for him. I didn't expect a long journey, so I packed rather lightly.

After a few minutes, we were ready to leave.

Grabbing the reigns, I led Hasufel out of the stable. As I pushed open the door, I peered out of the surroundings. The few people that were around seemed too occupied by their own business to notice me. At least, that's what I counted on.

Acting natural, I mounted upon Hasufel's back, before spurring him onwards. His walk built up to a trot as we made our way towards the main gate of Edoras.

This was the harder part of my plan, as the whole city was on lockdown.

As we approached the gate, a guard stepped out in front of us.

"Sorry, m'lady, we cannot allow you to leave, because-."

"I'm aware of the King's orders." I cut in, making sure my voice remained cold and authoritative.

"It's not just that." He rubbed the back of his neck. "We were told specifically not to let you leave."

My brows furrowed. "What? By who?"


Excuse me? I felt my jaw clench as a surge of annoyance coursed through my veins. The nerve of him.

How dare he try to control me. Who did he think he was?

Pursing my lips, I shook my head. It didn't matter. Right now, I just need to get through.

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