36| The Fall of Isengard

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Where do we go from here?

That was a question that frequently crossed my mind as we travelled North-West towards Isengard. We had defeated Saruman at Helms Deep, but that wasn't the end. What next?

We navigated through the trees of Fangorn Forest, ancient and timeless as their limbs sprawled above our heads, their gnarled roots twisting in and out of the earth. The forest still reeked of age, and a blanket of eternal fog draped over us, but there was something new.

A finger of light poked through the misty mesh as a delicate twinkle of birdsong reached my ears. I breathed in the rich earthy aroma, the crisp smell of dewy foliage.

I glanced around. Aragorn, Théoden and Gandalf lead the way, whilst Éomer and another guard followed behind us. Beside Aldion and I, Legolas and Gimli quietly rode together. I found myself smiling at their friendship that had developed from initial hatred.

I then found myself mulling over my own relationship with the elf-prince. That should be the least of your worries, I told myself repeatedly.

We were silent as we rode towards Orthanc. Éowyn was on her way back to Edoras, along with the women and children, while we had some special business to attend to.

For even though his army lay decimated at the foot of Helms Deep, the white wizard himself still cowered within his stone tower.

As we emerged from beneath the canopy of the forest, joyful voices and laughter floated down from the broken wall that surrounded Isengard.

I would have recognised those voices anywhere.

Pippin raised his mug with a grin as we arrived, and Merry leapt to his feet, a pipe in his hand. I wondered how much they had had to smoke and drink. Their heads must be in the clouds right now, I thought with a chuckle.

"Welcome, my lords...and lady..." Merry sent me a cheeky smile, "...to Isengard!"

He gestured grandly with his hands, almost losing his balance in the process.

"You young rascals," Gimli exclaimed incredulously, "A merry hunt you've led us on, and now we find you feasting...and...and smoking?"

"We are sitting on a field of victory," Pippin replied with a drunken smile as he chewed, "enjoying a few well-earned comforts."

Merry exhaled a puff of smoke as Pippin grinned. "The salted pork is particularly good."

Gimli was almost speechless. "...salted pork?"

I chuckled. "I'm just surprised there's any food left."

"Not for long." Pippin waved his sandwich in the air. I smiled

Gandalf scoffed, muttering under his breath.

"We're under orders from Treebeard," Merry pointed behind him, "who's taken over management of Isengard.

At least, what was left of it.

As I turned my attention away from the hobbits, the rest of Isengard came into view. Water had flooded the once great fortress, and broken pieces of steel machinery lay scattered among the ruins of the dam, protruding from the murky water. Plumes of smoke rose into the air.

The cold, dark tower of Orthanc rose amongst the wreckage, the last standing pinnacle of darkness that remained. It was certainly a sight to behold.

A being who I assumed was 'Treebeard" greeted our party with a deep rumble. I widened my eyes as the towering figure came into view. I had never seen an Ent before.

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