43| Getting away

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This chapter is dedicated to lemonsugarr12

I hope you continue to enjoy this book, thanks so much for your votes! <3

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"Now that Gandalf is gone, Rohan is more vulnerable than ever," Théoden declared as we walked along the wall that encircled Edoras. "I will not risk the lives of my people for those who would not do the same for us."

I shot an incredulous glance at Aragorn, who, despite clear disagreement written on his expression, remained quiet.

Théoden came to a halt, looking out towards the mountains that receded indefinitely into the distance. He exhaled, before turning to Gamling.

"We shall reinforce our defenses," the King ordered, "double the guards and remain alert at all hours of the day. When Sauron comes, we will be ready."

Gamling nodded, but before he could leave, I stepped forwards.

"No, you won't, rather, Sauron will erase Rohan from the map. You have only seen but a fraction of his might."

"Is that so?" Théoden narrowed his eyes. "They burnt down my villages, slaughtered my people and took my son from me. What would you know of this?"

I heard Legolas' sharp inhale behind me. He knew how sore of a subject that was. I clenched my jaw, feeling the familiar burn of anger coursing through my veins.

"You have no idea, trust me."

I shook my head, trying to calm the raging fire within my heart.

"Isolating ourselves will do nothing against the forces of evil; it only makes us more vulnerable. Has Helms Deep and the hundreds that lie dead there taught you nothing?"

The King's pupils flared with anger.

"What Helms Deep taught me is that Gondor is not an ally of Rohan!" He snapped.

I felt my nails dig into the palm of my hands as I took a step closer, ignoring the gazes of the others behind me.

"What about the elves? Did you ever go to their aid? No. And yet they still came to yours. And now-"

I threw my arm out, pointing towards the direction of Helms Deep as my voice heightened in volume.

"-now all of them lie buried beneath Helms Deep!"

The sound of my voice echoed throughout the silent hall, reverberating off the walls.

Théoden just glared at me. I exhaled, lowering my voice.

"They died coming to your aid. They died fighting for Middle Earth. And now you plan to let their sacrifice go to waste because of a petty rivalry."

"Enough!" Théoden stepped closer, and I could sense the anger rolling off him in waves. "Daeriel, you are here as a courtesy, remember that. If you have nothing better to do than question my authority..."

He narrowed his eyes, "...leave."

Sensing the heightening tensions, Aragorn stepped between us.


"No Aragorn." I placed a hand on my brother's arm, stopping him. "It's fine."

My voice calmed down, and I plastered a poisonously sweet smile on my face.

"I suppose that's the difference between Men and Elves. The foresight that the Eldar possess is what makes us so wise. Men, on the other hand, lead short lives full of short-sightedness and rash decisions governed by their emotions, without ever considering how their actions may affect the future generations."

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