First day, first name.

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Just so everyone knows, the voice for Mechagodzilla in this story is gonna be Raphael's voice actor, Omar Benson Miller, who voices Raphael from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

But when he turns into his full Mechagodzilla form, he'll sound like Megatron from Transformers Prime, voiced by Frank Welker.

... also I noticed that this story just hit #1 for cluster. At least for the time being while I was making this chapter.


Getting Sheldon's new brother registered into the school wasn't exactly what one would call easy.

Long story short, Sheldon was told that his new brother needs to figure out a name for himself before the end of the day in order to be officially registered.

Today is a half day, so they've got their work cut out for them.

Currently, the duo are in the class that he, Jenny, and Brad have for first period. Now Sheldon's new brother is joining them because of his class schedule.

Luckily for said male robot, there was an empty seat available for him.

After a few minutes, the teacher walked in.

"Good morning, class. I hope you've enjoyed your summer, and are now ready for a new school year." The teacher said.

The class groaned in response. Clearly not happy that their summer break has come to an end.

"I know, I know it sucks. Just be lucky it's only a half day. Now let's take attendance." She said, grabbing a list of student names for first period.

After naming off the students that are present, she gets to the last name on the list, and becomes puzzled.

"Um. Well, this can't be right. Uh, is there a 'Unnamed' Lee, here?" She asked in a confused tone.

"I think you mean me?" The male robot spoke up.

The teacher looked across the room to see the only other robot in the room besides Jenny. Needless to say, he looked a little scary upon first glance. Especially his red eyes, and metal grey exterior.

"Oh! The new student. Um, would you mind standing in front of the class to introduce yourself?" The teacher suggested.

Without saying a word, the male robot got out of his seat, and walked to the front of the class.

"So who are you exactly?" The teacher asked.

"Not a clue. As far as I know, I have amnesia." He answered.

"Would you mind telling us why are you marked as unnamed?" She asked.

"Because my brother forgot to name me while he was building, and fixing me all summer." He answered, his facial expression displayed as stoic, emotionless, and blank.

It was kind of off putting.

"Your brother? Is it Sheldon Lee by chance?" The teacher asked.

"Yes, and we have until the end of the school day to think of one in order to get me fully registered." The male robot explained.

"Oh. That sounds like quite the dilemma." The teacher said.

"I know. On another note, the only clue that I have about myself is that I was made for combat." The male robot said.

With that said, he returned to his seat.

"Alright then, let's get on with class shall we?"

Afterwards, classes turned out to pretty simple, and mundane to the male robot. Even if it was only going to last half a day.

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