Chapter Three - Az's Inner Demons

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Cauldron, damn me. The past week, I had been to Hell and back. 

Each night, those scent-filled dreams haunted me, permeating my every being and only seeming to grow stronger with each passing day. My cursed gift of Truth failed to decipher the source of such a dream, nor explain to me what in burning hell was happening to me. 

I'd even gone dancing at Rita's, hopeful that a week straight of dancing into the early morning hours would set me straight and rid my mind of creating such dreams again. Alas, a futile attempt at distraction. The scent continued to linger throughout the day. 

The only silver lining in this rutting mess: the others had no idea, including Rhys. I kept it well hidden beneath a cool, calm expression or a warm, beaming smile. 

On the seventh night, I fell right to sleep, exhausted. But not before praying to the Mother that she help fix this mess before it consumed me whole. 

Unsurprisingly, my prayers went unanswered. In fact, the Mother seemed to indulge in my pain for in my next dream, something else was added alongside the hone-lemon-and-rose scent. 

A soft, lilting voice. 

It belonged to that of a young female and she sang melodies from faraway lands, almost as if to soothe me. And it did, to some extent, allow me to stop. Stop thinking, stop doing. And just breathe.

It was so at odds with the knot coiled inside my stomach.  

The euphonious voice and unwavering scent both belonged to the same girl. At least, I guessed as much. And though I still desperately needed a restful--preferably dreamless--sleep to further soothe the distress coursing through my veins, I did get a good night's rest. Or as good as one can get with an angel screaming in your ear whose scent seems to drive you wild. 

Refusing to ponder the matter any further, I stepped out of bed. I swiftly dressed into my finest Illyrian leathers before winnowing away, ignoring my stomach's protests at forgoing breakfast. 

The blaring noise of the female warriors shouting and sparring with one another, struck the air a moment later, as I landed on the House of Wind rooftop right beside Azriel. It almost drowned out the songs still drifting through my mind. A temporary form of relief. 

I looked side-long at Az and grinned. "Morning." 

The Shadowsinger inclined his head in greeting, and I gestured to Gwyn who stood opposite Nesta, the two Valkyries sparring it out in the ring. 

"They're getting better every day."

It wasn't a question, but Az nodded anyway, the movement revealing a dark shade of blue under his eyes. He looked tired, really tired. Perhaps, worse than myself. 

My eyes narrowed slightly, and I lowered my voice as I said, "You alright?"

Az revealed nothing on that stone-cold warrior face of his as he gave a curt nod, focussing intently on the females training. 

I clicked my tongue. "You're brooding. Something's up."

He blinked. "You're one to talk."

I flicked my golden hair behind me. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Really," he deadpanned, face emotionless. "Because you look like you haven't slept in days." 

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