Chapter Fourteen - Light It Up

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I leaped out of bed, ran to the bedroom door and swung it wide open. I rushed down the stairs, feet galloping with ease as I reached the Town House door that led to the outside world.

And then, in all my eternal Fae glory, I mentally facepalmed myself. With all the thoughts of the girl speeding through my head and heart, distracting me, I'd forgotten—in a brief moment of chaos— that Rhys had sparingly granted me the ability to winnow directly out of the house.

Wasting no further time, I instantly pictured the Day Court in my mind and just as I was winnowing away, I caught a glimpse of Helion's flowing white robes appearing behind the door to that outside world. But it was too late; the magic had already taken affect, and it whisked me halfway across Prythian.

I appeared before the door to his golden bedroom and was about to winnow back when a picture of Alex took shape in my mind. The Mother had been nefarious enough to give me two human lovers—one of which was my mate. However, she'd also been kind—although I didn't think it was quite the right word—enough to grant me one lasting interaction with Alex. I didn't expect any more of those "kind", well-intended gifts.

To my delight and surprise, I was proven wrong.

Delicate hands wrapped around my middle, whispering on a phantom wind, sending a shiver down my spine. They touched me gently, holding me in a comforting embrace.

I should have been alarmed, should have winnowed away in fright and shock, if nothing else. But...a soothing voice—one that I recognised in an instant—purred, "Beautiful."

I, Morrigan, Third to the most powerful High Lord in history, defeater of countless enemies, escaped dreamer born into the Court of Nightmares, stammered and spun around. The mysterious essence vanished, leaving behind no traces that it ever existed, making me wonder if it had even been there in the first place.

I returned to the Town House to find Helion lounging on an armchair in the foyer, with a shit-eating grin on his face. I didn't feel the need to roll my eyes or shake my head at the absurdity and audacity of his cockiness. The Cauldron knew how precious and arrogant the High Lord of the Day Court already was; I didn't need to build his ego any further than the impressive mountain range it had already reached.

I blurted, brushing straight past pleasantries, "Do you remember?"

Helion spoke low and guttural as he said, "Yes. Why do you think I came all this way."

It wasn't a question, and I understood the meaning behind his words. He wasn't talking about travelling to the Town House—he could winnow the same as me, so the trip would have been quick as a Faerie.

He was talking about the human girl.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "I visited you months ago, asking if you knew anything." I frowned. "Why didn't you say something?"

Helion shrugged. "I felt no need to. Besides, I couldn't be sure that we were talking about the same dreams."

I sighed, running a hand over my face. Then, I paused and considered my next words carefully. "Do you think it means that we're mates, too?"

Helion rose his brows, though not in shock at her bluntness. "Not necessarily. The mating bond never clicked for us."

His words offered me no comfort, only adding to my list of queries. The first of which was, "How can you be so sure?"

He leaned forward in his chair. "I'm not." He patted his stomach, the movement making his muscles ripples, which was visible even with the robe he wore. "I'm simply trusting my gut."

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