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Dong Hua's timing had been flawless, with the quarterly meeting of the heavens just around the corner. Si Ming found it hard to keep his mouth shut on the matter. But he knew if he gossiped about this particular matter, he would deeply regret it.

Dong Hua dressed in his finest robes for the meeting, hanging the tail around his waist.
"How do you feel?" Si Ming asked as they walked to the meeting.
"I must not fail." He told him and Si Ming nodded, feeling the obvious nerves.

The meeting was typical, with every realm being represented. Many marriage contracts were signed and Dong Hua felt his hands become clammy as Hao De asked if there were any more marriage proposals. Dong Hua raised his hand and smiled at the audible gasp in the room.
"Dong Hua Dijun?" Hao De asked with clear shock in his voice.

Without moving, Dong Hua announced:
"I am going to marry Bai Fengjiu of Qin Qiu." The room was stunned into silence. Of course, they all knew about the love lantern, but marriage? This was unfathomable.
"The Queen of Qin Qiu?" He asked and looked over to Qian Qian, whose eyes were wide with shock.
"The very same." He nodded slowly.
"I approve of this match." Bai Yi announced, stepping forward. Hao De's eyes grew even wider with shock.
"You knew about this?!" He asked in confusion as Bai Yi bowed.
"Don Hua Dijun asked for my blessing to marry my daughter, Bai Fengjiu. I gave him my blessing." He told him and Hao De sat back stroking his beard.
"In all of my years, I have never known anyone to turn your eye, Dong Hua." He shook his head in disbelief.
"And what of Bai Fengjiu, why is she not here today?" He asked.
"She had matters to attend to in her own realm. I have asked her, and she has accepted me." He informed Hao De who huffed in shock.
"I have been kept in the dark about this. Is this a marriage of love?" He asked and Dong Hua shot him a warning glance, reminding Hao De that he was still the most powerful in the heavens.
"I can confirm that little Jiu is very much in love with Dong Hua Dijun. I support this match." Qian Qian stepped forward and Hao De nodded, knowing that the women of Qin Qiu were very close.
"I also support this match." Ye Hua joined his wife.
"I do not know little Jiu as well as my wife, but she is the reason I am here. So I owe it to her to ensure her happiness."

The room erupted into whispers.
"What on earth are you talking about?" Hao De demanded an explanation. Ye Hua looked to his wife and then to Dong Hua, who both nodded, giving him consent to tell the tale. Ye Hua told the story of Fengjiu and Dong Hua and everyone listened, enthralled by the tale.
"Now you can understand." Dong Hua stated and Hao De stood.
"I owe this girl everything. What does she want?" He asked in shock.
"I believe the only thing she wants is to be with Dong Hua Dijun." Ye Hua stated and Hao De nodded, grunting approvingly.
"Let it be known that soon there will be a date set for the marriage of Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu of Qin Qiu." He announced the whole room erupted into applause. Dong Hua sighed, glad that his final obstacle was eliminated.

Ye Hua walked with Dong Hua that afternoon.
"Thank you, for standing up for Fengjiu." Dong Hua smiled over to him.
"It was the least I could do. I hope she won't be angry at me for revealing her secret." He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I am sure she will pout for at least two days, but let me deal with that." He chuckled, thinking of her sulking around.
"Who will rule Qin Qiu now?" Ye Hua wondered aloud and Dong Hua had also wondered this.
"If Fengjiu wishes to remain Queen, I will not stop her." He told him and Ye Hua furrowed his brows.
"But you must be here and she must be there." He thought aloud and Dong Hua shrugged his shoulders.
"We can make it work." He told him.
"Perhaps Little Jiu can be Queen by name, and have some help ruling." He suggested and Dong Hua sighed.
"I think she will find life in the heavens boring." He told him and Ye Hua.
"You might be right." He agreed.
"I am sure there is a way to reach an agreement. She is the most beloved woman in the realms now. Anything can happen."

Three Lives, Three Worlds: A Fated Love (Dong Hua/Bai Fengjiu)Where stories live. Discover now