Young Student Boy

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Dong Hua had some business to attend to that morning.

He watched Jiu with intent as she laid in their marriage bed, wrapped in the sheets.
"I will spend some time in meditation." She told him and he nodded, wishing they could spend more time together.

Jiu watched him leave and gave her thigh a small pinch. She could still not believe all of this was real. She was the wife of Dong Hua and she was going to share a bed with him every night until the end of time.

Dong Hua spent the morning with Si Ming, and decided to stay with his friend a while longer, to eat lunch and allow Jiu some time to enjoy her meditation.
"I think it is important for her to have her own time." He thought aloud and Si Ming looked up at him with shock on his face.
"What a fine partner you have become." He deduced and Dong Hua felt his cheeks flush the softest shade of pink.

Si Ming had kept a book secretly since Feng Jiu had first caught Dong Hua's attention. He summoned it to himself now.
"I was never bold enough to give you this book before. But I shall leave you with it now." He placed the edition down on the table and left his friend alone.

Dong Hua assessed the book and wondered what it could be to have Si Ming in such a daze. His cheeks instantly flushed with understanding when he spotted the first of many graphic illustrations. What earthly pleasures Si Ming had knowledge of!

He had never needed to learn such things before, thinking them depraved and a waste of time. But after last night, he could think of no cause more worthy of his time and attention. He had let her have her fun and take control for their first time, but it could not always be that way, he would need to educate himself on the art of lovemaking.

So, there he sat on Kunlun mountain, shrouded with blossoms, reading his edition on erotic talents. Once he learnt something new, he would sit and consider it for a long time before moving onto the next concept. He was learning more than he could remember learning for a long time, as if he was a young student boy. He was tempted to make some notes, but what would come of his reputation if those notes were discovered by someone? No no, he would have to keep the knowledge in his mind.

Jiu sat on the top of the mountain, escorted by one of Kunlun's students. She smiled as he ran off, clearly a little nervous. She was the Dijun's wife now, completely untouchable to them. So, they treated her with the utmost respect and the flirting and staring had ceased.

She needed this time amongst all of the frenzy that had taken over her life recently. She had to detail what should happen next. They would need to have a ceremony in Qing Qiu and they would need to relay her duties to others.

She wondered if she liked the idea of being less hands-on in Qing Qiu and decided that every relationship required sacrifice. She was sure if she asked him that Dong Hua would come and live with her for some time. Perhaps she would in the distant future. But, for now, she wanted to live with him in his place.

Just as she thought of him, she felt him appear. He was standing, leant against the trunk of the blossom tree that she sat under. He looked down at her with great intent and she felt her cheeks flush a deep shade of crimson.
"Don't look at me like that!" She cried out, placing her hands over her face.
"I cannot look at my wife?" He asked in false horror and she shook her head.
"Not like that, you cannot." She shook her head and suddenly, as she was shaking, she was standing, leant against the tree, trapped by him.

Dong Hua loved how she blushed. It gave him the sense that he was doing the right thing.
"Now I may look at you with more accuracy." He whispered to her.
"What if someone comes?" She asked in a small voice and he chuckled.
"No one will come. I told them to leave us in peace." He told her and she sent him a mischievous grin.

He tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and exposed the soft skin below, on the nape of her neck. Before he could think too deeply about it, he kissed there, just as the book suggested.
"Oh Dijun." He heard her small voice escape her lips and wondered how such a small action could elicit such pleasure. But, pleased with his progress, he continued.

He traced the tips of his fingers along her shoulders and felt the soft fabric of her dress. He loved how she adorned herself in the finest fabrics in all the realms and he would ensure that she would receive all of the finery that she had grown accustomed to when she began living in his house.

Fengjiu could not imagine what had possessed her husband. He had been so nervous the night before and the swift change in his demeanour made her feel enthralled and anxious all at once.

It was surely normal for a man to lust after his wife. She was sure that if he had not that she would be rather morose. But this sensual attack, it was all so new to her.

Dong Hua continued his litany of kisses, until he knelt before her. He looked up at her and regarded her as the only being he had ever gotten on his knees for. He was sure he would do it daily, if she requested it.

Fengjiu was tempted to stop him as she felt his fingers on her legs, under her skirt. It was pure scandal, she was sure of it. But, she had to remind herself that she was now a wife, and such scenes between a Lord and his wife were not unheard of and were heralded more so than condemned.

She released herself over to the feelings of pleasure as she felt his hands drift up her thighs, towards a place she felt was his entirely. She felt every thought leave her mind as she felt his lips kiss her place there. This was the most erotic act she had ever heard of as she listened to the ladies gossip in Qing Qiu. She could not believe that she was now the recipient of such an act.

She felt blissful as he began his strokes of her sex, long and slow and teasing. She felt her hands claw into his hair as she experienced the pleasure completely.

Dong Hua took every pinch and claw as a triumph. To please his wife was his only desire now that the days of war and torment were over. He pulled her closer as he felt her pleasure, tasted how she enjoyed him and it coaxed him on further.

His torture was unrellenting and by the end, Feng Jiu felt her legs become weak, her knees quivering beneath her. The sweat on her brow glistened as she panted, her chest heaving.

Dong Hua chuckled as he picked his wife up and sat her utop the mountain. What an afternoon it had been, and Si Ming's book seemed to provide the most actionable instruction. He would have to study more and-

Before he could continue his thought, he felt Feng Jiu's gentle hands on his hair.
"I messed up your hair. I should fix it." She told him in a small voice and he felt himself melt for her. How could such a magical creature truly be his for all of time? He sat back and luxuriated in the feeling of her hands on his scalp, running through his hair and felt truly, blissfully happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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