Nevermind. (Pj's POV)

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I sighed, throwing the duvet off me and staring up at my ceiling. Yet again, I'd had another restless night. Thoughts about Chris and his stupid girlfriend were intruding my head, depriving me from sleep for the past few weeks. I mean, I guess it was good Chris was happy. At least, he seemed happy when he was with her. He never really spoke about her much, and I never saw him call or text her first. But then again, I rarely ever saw him. Only when Amber was away, or when he didn't feel like going out. Which was rare. We rarely ever spoke now, only to tell each other where we were going or what kind of pizza either of us wanted. And that was mostly Chris asking. I'd stay cooped up in my room all day, whilst the couple giggled and watched movies on the sofa, where Chris and I used to hang out every day together. We used to watch movies. And we used to giggle together. We used to go out together, exploring different places and discovering new shops and forests. It was amazing with Chris, my best friend. I'd almost forgotten what it felt like to be the person making him laugh, and making him smile, and making him feel better when he was down. But now Amber had come along, it had all changed. Sure, she was pretty, and really nice. But, what is that saying? Bro's before hoe's. That clearly hasn't entered Chris's head, as he's left me. He doesn't include me in anything now. At the begining, when they first started dating, He would invite me out. I went once or twice, only to be sat there on my own, or walking behind the two as they snogged each other's faces off. I stopped going then, and stayed at home, playing on my Nintendo all day. I sighed again. I then heard the front door close, and I sat up, listening for more voices. There was silence, only the sound of the TV being switched on. I got up, out of bed, and looked in the mirror. My hair looked crazy, sticking out at all angles. I brushed it down, ignoring the fact I was still in my boxers and Gameboy t-shirt, and walked out making my way into the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of OJ, and heard the TV being turned down. Chris must have heard me. Sipping on my juice, I walked into the living room, as Chris's head snapped back towards the TV and turned it up to it's original volume. I stepped over to the chair furthest away from my flatmate, and sunk down into it, taking another sip of the tangy liquid. It was silent for a few minutes, before my eyes widened slightly at the sound of Chris's voice.

"Have a nice sleep?" I turned to look at his face. His expression was hard to read, and his eyes were locked on the TV, while mine were locked on him.

"Uh, Yeah." I lied. He turned towards me and frowned a little.

"You know, I can hear you talking at night. And I know you don't sleep talk." I could feel myself blushing. I started talking to myself alot lately. I wasn't going crazy, don't worry. I just felt a litte...lonely. I only had myself for company, and made the most of it, reading things off of the internet and laughing to myself. I felt stupid doing it, but who cares? Chris had someone so why couldn't I.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. I don't mean to disturb you and Amber." I almost spat out the word 'Amber', but stopped myself as I didn't want to upset Chris. He shrugged and said, "No, you're not disturbing us. She sleeps all night, anyway. You know, Sometimes I want to..." He hesitated for a moment, his mouth opening and closing, before he muttered, "Nevermind," And turned his gaze back towards the TV. "Okay." I frowned. That was weird. 


A/N: Sorry this was so short. I've been busy for a while, and decided to give you a little section as I had over 100 views altogether on this story so far! Thanks guys, It means alot. I'll start updating more often if I get more fans too. c: Thanks for reading!

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