Time of the month, is it? (Chris's POV)

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I shook my head and cursed to myself. How could I almost just blurt that out to PJ? Maybe if it was a few weeks ago, I'd have no problem saying that sometimes I wanted to come into his room at night, as I had trouble getting to sleep what with Amber's loud snoring. Another thing that annoyed me about her. But now it was...different. PJ had stopped hanging out with me. He would rarely speak to me, so I stopped trying. I'm worried it's Amber. Which I guess is understandable. She likes PJ and tries annoyingly hard to talk to him and involve him in things. Sure, that's kind of her. But I want to do things with PJ, without her. Just him and I. It's better that way.And I think he feels the same way. We always had such a laugh together. Had...We never laugh together anymore. Or do anything with each other. It's become so uncomfortable for some reason. I just wanted to know why it had changed. 

"Peej..." I started, biting my lip and staring down at my lap. I felt his eyes on me.

"Yeah?" He hesitated for a moment. 

"Why-why has it become so...awkward, between us?" I rubbed my hands together, a habit when I was nervous. There was silence. I couldn't feel PJ's eyes on me anymore, and in the corner of my eye I could see him itching his neck. I almost smiled. He did that when he was nervous. I knew almost everything about him, which made me frown. I missed talking to him like we used to. Sharing secrets and laughing and just having a good time.

"I...I don't know." He finally replied, making me look over at him and smile, sadly.

"I miss you, PJ." I winced a little. "God, I sound so cringey. But I do. I really do." 

"I...I miss you too. Where's Amber?" He said the word 'Amber' in the most strange way, He almost spat it. I ignored it though.

"Getting her nails or something done. She's going out tonight." I smiled softly at the thought of being alone with PJ tonight. Maybe things could start returning back to normal.

"Are you going?" He asked, curiousity roaming in his voice.

"No." I replied, rubbing my damp hands on my jeans and smiling at him. I heard him mumble under his breath, and my smile turned into a frown. Did he say something about Amber?

"Sorry, what?" I asked. His head shot up, a very worried expression on his face. He itched his neck.

"N-nothing." He almost laughed, the nerves attacking him.

"No, really. What?" I repeated, curious as to what his comment was.

"I said nothing." He almost yelled, making my mouth open slightly and a dash of fear to appear in my eyes.

"Time of the month, is it?" I spat, any sign of nerves now gone from me, to be replaced with anger and annoyance.

"Fuck off, Chris." He got up out of his chair and stormed past me to his room. I reached out and grabbed his leg's, causing him to crash to the floor, face first. My eye's widened a little, as he looked up, rage burning around in those emerald eyes. I took in a sharp breath, and jumped over the back of the sofa, sprinting into my room and locking the door. I lent against it, and sunk down to my floor, breathing heavily. A few seconds later, he started to pound on my door. "CHRIS! GET THE FUCK OUT HERE!" 

I laughed out loud. I knew I should have been worried, but I wasn't. His voice was always so kind, and calming, and when he was angry it was hard to be frightened. 

"Nope." I popped the 'P', jumping up and crawling onto my bed. After a while, the pounding and screaming stopped, and I heard PJ's bedroom door slam. I smirked to myself. Yes, It was definitely his time of the month.


A/N: Lul, man periods. >_> So yeah, dis happened. Updating *cough* soon...*cough*. 

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