chapter 6

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When we reach the house Bolt comes running to us, Dominic scoops him up and softly tickles him.

He loves dogs just as much as I do. I've never met a guy who even likes dogs besides my dad, but the doc over here seems to love them.

After playing with Bolt for a while, I decide to go up for a shower.

As I step into the shower I feel the warm water hit my back. It's calming and does wonders for my muscles.

I apply my coconut scented body wash and rinse off. I dry myself off with a fluffy towel and wrap it around my body.

With one towel around my body and one around my head, I finally come out of the steaming bathroom and into my room.

I go to my closet and hear shuffling on my bed. I turn around to look at what it was and am greeted with a shirtless Dominic, on my bed. And Wow! If that ain't hot, I don't know what is.

My eyes shamelessly rake over his shirtless torso before he clears his throat. My cheeks flush, he caught me staring at him.
"Um-hi?" I hear myself saying. "Hey, are you done looking at me now?" He raises an eyebrow at me. "I wasn't looking at you" I say, looking everywhere else but him.

"Alright, if you say so" he smirks. "Why are you in here?". "I'm here to talk about your dad" he tells me. "Okay, Can I atleast get dressed first?" I gesture to the towel around my body.

He chuckles "Sure, call me when you're done". And with that I exits the room.

I slip on a loose shorts and a tank top, then head to Dominic's room which is right next to mine. I knock and he lets me in.

"I'm ready" I say. He begins "About two years ago you brought you dad to my hospital right?".


"You see, when he came, we did thorough tests but we found out too late. It was too late to help him. There is no cure for leukaemia. We couldn't do anything to prolong his death longer." His eyes begin to water and I sob softly.

"I tried telling him to tell you when he found out but he told me he didn't want you to know, he didn't want you to suffer with him". I hold on to his shoulders, "I tried, Evelyn, i tried so hard to save him, to save my best friend, but nothing worked" he says to me.

I wrap my arms around his torso and he buries his head in the crook of my neck.

It feels good to cry with someone. It feels good to know that you're not the only broken one.

"As long as you tried Dominic, that's what matters" I say to him in between sobs.

We just sit there in each other's embrace and for that seems like hours later, we finally pull away.

He smiles at me sadly before telling me that I should get some rest." Goodnight doc" I tell him. "Night Evelyn" his voice is low and rough with a hint of Spanish in it.

I go to my room and as soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm off into a deep sleep.

"Evie, why did you let me go?" I see my dad sitting at the edge of my bed at dad's house."Dad is that you, I...I thought you were dead?" My eyes start tearing and he he laughs. "I'm not dead Evie, I'm alive in your dreams" he says. I see shadows in the room grabbing onto my dad's shoulders and pulling him out of the room and away from me. "Evie save me" he screams. "DAD!

I jolt awake and a loud scream escapes my lips. "Dad! No, don't go, don't leave me please" I scream, sweat dripping of my forehead.

My door swings open and Dominic comes rushing to me. He hold me and runs his hand down my back and the other hand in my hair. I relax into his embrace.

"It's okay" he cooes "It's alright, it was just a dream". "I s-saw him, h-he was right th-there" I point to the edge of my bed. "He was there" I look up at Dominic. "It was just a dream Evelyn, he's gone" he says to me softly. "He's gone?" I repeat. "He's at peace" he assures me.

Dominic finally let's go and walks towards his room. "Dominic?" I whisper so softly. "Hmm?" He turns around to face me.

"Uhm can you mind sleeping here, by me?" I ask shyly. "Alright, scoot" he smiles. I roll over, he gets into the bed and pulls the covers over us. I kind of feel safe around him.

I scoot closer to him and he doesn't seem to mind either because he puts his hand on mine.

The sun peeking through the window wakes me up from my slumber.

I wake up to soft snores behind me, I try to turn but there's something heavy on my waist and it's not letting me turn.

I shriek, IT'S A HAND! I remove the hand and turn over to see a sleeping Dominic. He looks so cute when he's asleep, there's no crease between his eyebrows like there is when he's awake.

I try to get out of bed but he just puts his arm around my waist and bring me closer to him, if that's even possible. It's so relaxing that I fall asleep again.

I wake up to someone playing with my hair. My eyes flutter open and I see Dominic, now awake.

"Good morning sleepyhead" he gives me a lazy smile. His voice is rough and raspy. His hair is messy and all over the place, it's cute. "Morning" I smile back.

"Can you uh....can you let me go?" I point to his hand on me and he laughs. "Oh, uh .... Sorry". He removed his hand from my waist and I suddenly feel his warmth leaving my body.

I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and take a shower. When I get to the room to change,

Dominic is not there. He must have went to his room. After getting dressed I follow the aroma of pancakes to the kitchen.

Oh god! I internally groan. Why does this guy have to always be shirtless? I go downstairs, he doesn't seem to have noticed me yet.

"You can cook too?" I ask jokingly. He chuckles "One of my many talents" he smirks and I ignore that.

"I made pancakes" he looks over at me with hope in his green eyes. "Sounds delicious". "Did you enjoy your rest?" He asks me.

My cheeks flush "Yes I did, did you?". He looks at me "The best". I look down and smile to myself.

Dominic sets the plates on the counter and we eat together.

After eating we wash the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.

We're now sitting in the lounge when we here a knock on the door. Who could it be? Was Dominic expecting anyone?

We go to open the door and I see the person I least expected.

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