Chapter 16

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Dominic is in Spain. Yesterday he got a call from his cousin and said he had to go.

It was done every year but he hadn't been able to make it due to work and stuff.

He even told me to accompany him. He asked me to go with him to Spain, which is why I'm now sitting in the plane with Dominic next to me.

"Chill out, my family knew your dad and they loved him" he squeezes my hand.

"So you're just going to say 'oh hey guys, this is Callans daughter, who's virginity I just happened to take a few nights ago?" I say sarcastically.

"Would you want me to say that?" He smirks.

I groan loudly at him. He's really making jokes when I'm shit scared of his family.

This is actually not the time to be so laid back. All of Dominic's cousins and his aunty knew my father and it would just be weird if Dominic brought his friends daughter with him.

I've been very nervous from the time he told me to come with him. And him on the other hand, was laughing and making fun of me.

After the plane lands, Dominic and I get our luggage and wait at the airport. Dominic said one of his cousins are going to pick us up.

We waited for about ten minutes for Dominic's cousins. I wondered what they were going to think of me. A seventeen year old travelling together with an almost thirty year old. Won't that look weird.

I look around the airport and it's not very crowded but there are alot of people.

"They're here" Dominic whispers next to me with a smile on his face.

I follow his gaze and see a man who looks around twenty walking towards us. His hair is just like Dominic's, dark and wavy.

His skin is tan and he looks very attractive, but not as attractive as Dominic.

Next to his is a woman around the same age, she is wearing a white sundress and her long hair is left down. She must be the guys girlfriend.

"Ah mi primo" (My cousin) Dominic's cousin says and hugs him tightly. He is tall and bulky, only a few inches shorter than Dominic.

"Alejandro, han pasado muchos años" (It's been years) Dominic says and let me tell you nothing is sexier than Dominic speaking Spanish.

The girl comes up to Dominic and wraps her arms around him and he hugs her back. Who the hell is she.

"Hermano, te extrañé Mucho" (brother, I missed you so much) she says while loosening her arms from him.

"To también" (Me too) Dominic says, he then turns to me and takes my hand in his.

"Guys I want to to meet Evelyn" Dominic says while holding my hand "My girlfriend" my breath is caught in my throat. His girlfriend?

He just called me his girlfriend in front of his cousin, and whoever that girl is.

"Uh hello" I say nervously.

The girl comes up and pulls me into a hug "Oh my god, ella es hermosa" (She is beautiful) she says as she lets go of me.

"I know" Dominic says while looking at me. What did she say to him.

"Evelyn this is Alejandro, my cousin" he motions to his cousin and I shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you" I say and he smiles.

"And this is Isabella, my other cousin" Dominic continues.

"Wow, you never told us how beautiful she is" Alejandro says and I blush.

"She is" he replys.

I turn to Isabella "You're so pretty" she smiles sweetly "So at you" she says.

"Alright ladies, shall we go" Alejandro says "Mamá is waiting"

Dominic places his hand on my back and leads me to the car, with Isabella and Alejandro following behind.

Dominic sits in the front seat, Isabella and I sitting in the back and Alejandro driving.

I look out the window and take in all of the buildings and houses on the sides.

Everything is so beautiful here.

The ride was a long 45 minutes drive and we finally make it to the house.

I look out and see a beautiful double story house in the middle of a huge yard.

"You lived here Dominic?" I ask as he helps me out of the car.

"Yup, until my mum and grandma died" he says.

"It's beautiful" I look at the place in awe.

The house has a brown arched door arched windows on either sides of it.

It has a long balcony on the second floor that probably has an amazing view.

"You just going to stand the and gawk?" Dominic asks with a chuckle.

He pulls onto my hand taking me towards the house but I pull back "Why did you say I was your girlfriend Dominic?"

He's taken off guard by my question "Maybe I want you to be" he says with a smirk. Then all signs of playfulness is gone.

He turns to me with seriousness written all over his face "Be my girlfriend Evelyn?" He says and I freeze.

Dominic wants me to be his girlfriend? When did he change his mind about us not being able to be together?

"Evelyn?" He says and i snap out of thought.

"Huh" I look away from him and down to our feet, facing each other.

"What about...." I start but he cuts me off "I know, Evelyn. But I can't seem to stay away from you" he says.

I think about it for a minute "What will people think of us?"

"We only need to care about what we think" he places his fingers on my face and pulls me to meet his eyes.

"What do we do now" I ask
"Say yes?" He pleads, raw emotion in his eyes.

I feel my head nodding and I find myself saying yes to the guy who has invaded my mind from the day I met him.

He pulls me in and places his lips on mine. His hand travel to the back of my head, bringing my face closer to his.

I wrap my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. This is our first kiss as a couple.

I hear the sound of someone clearing their throat and Dom and I pull away from the kiss.

"Y'all coming, lovebirds?" we see Alejandro standing by the door with a smirk on his face, calling us inside.

Dominic grabs my hand and we walk inside the house together, as a couple.

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