Chapter 18

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Breakfast with Dom's family -especially aunty- was hell. Like literal hell.

After waking up to Dominic's sleepy voice and his hands running in my hair, I took a shower and went down for breakfast.

Dominic's aunt still gave me that bitchy attitude and that look that said 'I'm not done with you'.

I really wasn't scared of her. If she thinks I'm going to leave Dominic just because she thinks I want his money then she's definitely mistaken.

Dominic has been nothing but nice to me from the time I met him and I won't hurt him just because his aunty says so.

The entire morning was a disaster. Sofia kept saying things about me and making rude, indirect comments.

At one point it got so much that Dominic grabbed onto my hand from under the breakfast table and pulled me away.

Dominic decided that it will b better of we leave as soon as possible. So here I am, packing up whatever I took out in the first place.

I wonder why I even agreed to come with Dominic. Maybe he wouldn't have been angry at his aunt, since I'm the reason she's acting like that.

I feel hands snake around my waist from behind and immediately relax with his touch.

"I know what you're thinking Evelyn. And no, none of this is your fault" his voice rumbles against my back.

"I just feel that if I hadn't come then none of this would have happened" I say softly, zipping up my bag.

Dominic turns me around to face him, "Hey. It's not your fault okay. I wanted you here with me" I calm down a little a this words.

"When are we leaving for the airport?" I ask, trying to avoid the topic further.

He looks at his watch and then back at me "We have to be there at 6pm so we have an hour. Want to do some last minute sight seeing?" A grin graces my face and I nod my head vigorously.

"Silly. Let's go" he chuckles and pulls me with him.

After going outside, Dom's cousins comes out to say goodbye to us. Dominic begins loading our bags into the car. He looks back at me from the road when everything happens in slow motion.

A car from the opposite lane that sea to have no control heads straight for Dominic.

Before I have time to react, I find myself running towards the car before I feel someone grab me from behind, stopping me from running to save Dominic.

I feel myself stumbling backwards and my head begins throbbing from the impact of hitting the ground.

The sound of a car coming to a halt keeps me from falling unconscious but its top late. Dominic is laying on the ground and everyone is near him, besides me.

The last thing I hear is my name before I feel myself slipping away.

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