Chapter 4-Keefe(Wedding Planning)

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hey guys so bear with me and i think maybe next chapter or the following one there will me smut so you can skip that if you want and disclaimer: all the characters belong to shannon messenger except Evangeline and this chapter is kind of to inform you about the wedding so pls dont skip thank you!! :)

Grady and Edaline had been more than happy at the fact that Sophie and I were getting married. Edaline had started planning the wedding with Sophie, Biana and Della. Alden, Grady, Fitz, Tam, Wylie, Dex and I were shopping in Atlantis for jerkins and tunics as requested by the ladies. Sophie and I wanted a Elvin wedding which meant that there was going to be a lot o people and it was going to be grand. I could not wait for the wedding so I convinced everyone to have the wedding in a week. Now i cannot even believe that I am marrying the love of my life in one week. I was not allowed to see Sophie until the wedding so everyone has been working hard to keep us away from each other. Since the wedding was an Elvin one Sophie would be wearing gold and white and I would be wearing white and blue. We had chosen the colors of our eyes to  compliment them so we would be looking great. The wedding would happen at Havenfield Because of the enormous backyard and the fact that it was Sophie"s home. I didn"t want it to be at the Shores of Solace or at Candleshade because I had been miserable there. In a few days Sophie and I would be married and we would be living in our own house. Just then I heard a scream that sounded like Sophie "s that jolted me out of my daydream.

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