The fondling of persons of the male gender

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Sometimes I like to imagine how my life would be if it were a musical.

Would it be an elaborate coming of age story equipped with various triple threat actors depicting how a broke girl makes it into the world of exotic dancing (Burlesque).

An epic romance depicting the turbulent love triangle between a hot girl, a hot guy and a not-so-hot guy - which guy will she end up with, the suspense! (Phantom of the Opera)

Or a tear jerking tale about an unwanted, unloved child cast off from her family and society fundamentally because she is different - in this case, green. (Wicked)

The one musical in particular I'm daydreaming about as I sit slumped over at my desk pretending to read a book, is Les Miserables, aka "the one with Wolverine and Catwoman in it" or "Anne Hathaway can sing?" or "the musical with the unpronounceable name."

How could a bunch of French revolutionists singing out every single conversation and whimsical thought they have instead of simply saying it for two hours straight possibly relate to my modern US high schooler/stripper life, you may wonder. Or not. Whatever.

Well, for one I learnt French in primary school, and although I only learnt it for one year, it still touched my life in the form of my french teacher getting me suspended for solely utilising obscenities (mostly consisting of derriere and baise-vous) in my aural examination.

But secondly - and most importantly - I just really relate to the character Eponine. You know when you're reading a book or watching a movie or tv show, and there's just this one character you connect with? The kind of character that when you're reading or watching them, you get this constant inner monologue of "omg I feel you."

She's that chick who pines for this guys despite the fact that she's basically invisible to him and in the end, she dies on a makeshift barricade made from a pile of furniture. I just feel like she's similar to me in so many ways - the way that her parents spoil her when she's younger, yet ignore her later on, her guy troubles, and her sizeable cleavage (at least in the movie).

I know, I know - my "stripper status" is probably closer to that of another certain Les Mis character (Fantine who becomes a prostitute), but when I ran away from home (and in the months leading up to my great escape from my old life) I felt exactly the same as Eponine did; totally and utterly alone.

Have you ever heard lyrics to a song that just fit your life and your feelings so perfectly you could cry? Well Eponine's "On my Own" pretty much summed up how shitty I felt back then.

And now I'm all alone again nowhere to turn

No one to go to

Without a home without a friend without a face to say hello to

I try not to think about my past, my ex and all that crap, I try to act like all that stuff is behind me but the truth is that it affected me so much, in the end I guess it was what drove me to give up and run away. I just couldn't take it. My almost perfect life started to crumble before my eyes and everyone just left me, just because of one stupid mistake ...

On my own

Pretending he's beside me

All alone

Maybe, just maybe, if my ex hadn't been such a dick, had maybe stayed around when the shit hit the fan, then my life would have taken a whole different turn. Maybe I wouldn't have felt so alone in the world.

Without him

The world around me changes

The trees are bare and everywhere

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2014 ⏰

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