Isthmus of Panama

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They waited till Joe's consciousness came back. Then Joe, who was still half unconscious, went to the wheel.

"You were amazing there," Alice said. "But I was stupid to tell you to do that. Something could have happened to you."

"Hmm," Joe said, shaking his head continuously.

Alice looked at him with worry. "You sure about this? You look... sort of sleepy. You should get back to full strength before facing this next challenge. Even if we take the shortest route... it's still at least 14 kilometers. And even if we get a vehicle, it isn't possible to drive here. At least not for me."


Alice shook her head. Joe was docking the ship, and then suddenly a radio blared in full volume. "This coast control. You are required to allow our official on your ship to check your documents. We confirm the registration of arrival of your ship at this point of time."

"What? Our ship is registered? And we are supposed to have documents?"

"They are in my room. It's a blue coloured file. I found it today morning only." Joe said.

He flicked a switch and the engines stopped.

The huge vessel with a great inertia brought to rest by just flicking a switch? Alice thought. Something seems wrong.

Actually, everything was wrong.

There was supposed to be a coast control. But it was currently dormant, thanks to the underwater research going on at the coasts. The ship has been registered, so there was no need to check it, even if there hadn't been the underwater research.

But they didn't knew it.

The huge dragon Cetus was a well planned trap. It wasn't necessary for him to harm them, instead he had to make the two boys weak. Even kill them if possible.

But what Joe did was also never expected. The trap had even changed a little.

Alice was on the joining board, and the official was coming towards the ship. He had black hair, sturdy face, and fat frame. But still, there was no way a coast guard officer would be wearing an expensive three piece suit. Alice handed him the documents as he came.

This time was utilized by the six assassins to move up the deck. They climbed through the railing. Jade was supposed to meet them there. Where the heck was she?

Then they saw her as she silently made her way towards them from the cabins. She nodded. She knew quite well that they can't hear anything around them, but the people at the control room can.

They followed her as she silently ran towards the cabin.

Their first target was Sam. He was supposed to be in his room.

Then three arrows pierced through the air- real ones, and at once three of them struck the ground. The other three wasn't so lucky. Sam's target has been a perfect one. His angle has been so accurate that two people were at the tip of one arrow.

Jade broke into a run, then she criss-crossed through the corridors. They thought that she was trying to find a hiding place. But suddenly a door opened and at the tip of the bow was touching the neck of the fastest ninja, and before he can react, an ionic arrow electrocuted him and he stood still.

Then the truth dawned on the other two. So accurate... so perfect... it can only be a trap.

Jade has tricked them.

But they were too late. Suddenly a lamp exploded on pressing a switch by Sam, and a sun lamp started burning. Another device made by Alice, it emitted the same type of radiation as the Sun did.

Heading towards the lost city of Atlantis: Part 1(the three oceans)Where stories live. Discover now