Icy Samoyed

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They made their way to the shore without getting into any more trouble.

The boat was a huge vessel, made out of wood. It was even bigger than the cruise ship, and it had a lock sort of thing beside the door that led inside, which was connected to the shore by a plank. Joe walked up first. He examined the lock. It was a proper lock, not a sword sheath. That meant...

He looked at his claws. They started heating at once. But what was the combination pattern? He has just willed a key.

He looked back and shook his head.

"Not opening?" Sam asked.

"It isn't like the lock on Hermes's motor boat. We need a proper key. Maybe this isn't it," Joe told him.

Suddenly Sam felt a flicker of moment on his finger.

He looked down. There was nothing except his ring.

"What happened?" Alice asked.

"Nothing," Sam lied. His ring was feeling tighter on his finger. He looked up back again at the lock. He felt another movement. But this time he let it take place.

It seemed as if his ring has pulled itself free from his ring finger and was making its way towards his index finger like a snake...

Then remembered. It's one of the two serpents of Hermes. It has to be. How could have Hermes given him his weapon and left his shrine unguarded. And it was also made of serpent's skin. But why was it moving?

He looked at his hand and gasped.

He was holding a key.

It was made of a snake's skin. His ring wasn't there.

"Guys?" Sam said weekly. "I guess I have the key here."

Joe turned. "What?"

He tossed him the key. Joe held it and examined it. "Is it even going to work? It isn't made up of metal."

"Try it."

He slipped it in the lock. It fitted perfectly. He turned it. The gate automatically opened inside.

"Wow," Joe said.

"Where the heck did you get that from?" Jade asked.

"Sam, your ring..." Alice said.

He nodded. "I know. Let's go."

They climbed on and Sam took the key. Immediately the gate started to close.

"This is your automated captain," a monotone voice blared from the speakers. "I will only drive you. The rest... such as protection is your own duty. Even cooking food. There are rooms, kitchen, closets... you know what. Anything you need."

"I need a nap right now," Joe said.

"The room to your right."

"Thanks," he opened the door and went inside.

The room was a huge one. It had a king sized bed, sofas, a mini fridge loaded with stuff and even a computer and soft boards with pins, charts and maps.

"This is my... room?" he asked.

"There are only 2, so you have to share it with someone."

He looked at Sam.

"Of course," Alice said.

"So I am going to sleep," Joe said.

"I guess about the security thing," Sam began. Joe looked at him sharply. "I'll keep the first watch."

Heading towards the lost city of Atlantis: Part 1(the three oceans)Where stories live. Discover now