Chapter 5

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Austin's POV...........

I look at the paper that she gave me, and once I see what she wrote I stumbled on the floor. "Wow Dude are you ok?" Dez asks me, 

"No" I say 

"Why? What happened?" he asks 

"She gave me her number........." I reply. 

"That's amazing!" he tell's me 

"I know.......Um Dez?" I ask 

"Ya Buddy?" he replies, 

"I think I'm in love with her........" I admit. 

" I'm not going to lie to you but I think your right." Dez says. I sigh with a huge smile on my face, grab my phone, and text her right away................

End of Austin's POV....................

Ally's POV.............

I walk into my hotel room and run to the bed, Trish just laughs at me and sit's down looking at her phone. "Hey Don't judge me! If you were just finished performing a concert you would of have done the same thing!" I yell at her, 

"Ok, Ok I get it. I'm sorry"she says with a smile. 

"Ya you better be!" I reply jokingly, Suddenly I hear my phone ring, so I grab it to see what it was. "Austin?" I question with a smile, 

"Austin? Did Ally Marie Dawson give Austin her phone number?" Trish asks with a huge smirk on her face. 

"Yes I did!" I reply loudly 

"Ooooooohhhhhhh Ally has a crush!" she teases 

"Shut up!" I respond smiling, 

"Ally, Ally, Ally.........I'm sorry to tell you this, but sweet heart you are a bad liar. Everyone already knows that you like Austin." She replies smirking. I blush looking at the screen and ask Trish an Important question 

"Trish do I have to go anywhere tomorrow?" 

"No.......Why? Oh wait let me guess, Are you going to see Austin tomorrow?" She replies. 

"Actually Yes," I say, but continue "he asked if we could hang out tomorrow at a music store" 

"Wow he really likes you," she responds "but If he pull's anything on you then just call me." she finishes, I laugh and go to sleep early so that I won't be late tomorrow..............

End of Ally's POV..............

I hope you like the story!!!!!!!

Auslly22 was Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It started at a concert.....                                         (An Auslly Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now