Chapter 13

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Austin's POV..........

"Ally what are you doing here? Why are you not in New York?" I ask

"I missed you to much, so I decided to stay for that weekend! I was going to surprise you. What are you doing here?" She asks me

" I was going to go to New York to see you," I reply "I also have good news for you..."

"What is it?" She asks while smiling

"I'm going to stay with you for the rest of the tour!"I say with excitement.

"Really!?!?!" She asks and I nod my head, she drops her stuff on the floor and runs to me. I quickly drop my stuff on the floor and catch her. I spin her around and kiss her passionately. "Let's go to New York!"

"Can't wait to get there!" I reply, We walk on the plain and get to our seats. "What are we going to do when we get there?" I ask her

"What do you want to do?" She asks me

"Well I'm pretty sure we are going to be tired when we get there, so why don't we go to where ever you are staying, watch some movies, and snuggle?" I ask while smiling

"That sounds great!" She replies

2 hours later.....

We arrive and drive to a hotel "Ally if you are staying in a hotel, Then where is you tour bus?" I ask

"oh my tour bus is hiding so that no crazy fans brake into it," She replies " I'm going to stay here for a few days, so I rented a hotel room."

"Oh ok" I reply. We go into the lobby and ask for her room number. A while later we start to walk into a huge hotel room with three rooms.

"Do you like it?" She asks

"Like it? I love it!" I reply "Does Trish sleep in one of these rooms?" I ask

"Of course I do Mr.Moon...." Trish replies while walking out of one of the rooms.

"Trish you can just call me Austin." I reply

"Ok Austin" she says

End of Austin's POV.........

I hope you like the story!

Auslly22 was here!!!!!!

It started at a concert.....                                         (An Auslly Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now