Chapter 15

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A few days passed and me and Moriarty had bonded a bit. 
I had talked to Sebastian too and I was starting to trust them. 
John and Sherlock had their work but I often called and texted them so they knew I was okay.
I opened my eyes hearing some people screaming.
After a moment I realised that the people screaming were Sherlock, John and Moriarty.
They were screaming in pain.
I jumped on my feet and, following the scream, I ran downstairs, risking falling every two steps. 
When I saw them, I gasped in disbelief and my heart started to beat faster. 
Sherlock, John and Moriarty were slumped on the floor, hurt and covered in blood.
Another figure standing there with a knife in his hand, but the face was not visible, thanks to a hood. 
The three men were visibly dying.
My heart ached seeing the figure kicking them in their faces and in their stomachs, laughing, as they begged him to stop. 
-Stop! You're killing them!- I said, feeling my eyes tearing up.
-Run...leave us here...- Sherlock murmured, breathing heavily. 
-It's too late for us...- John coughed some blood. 
-Save yourself, dear...- Moriarty whispered as he closed his eyes.
-No. No!- I screamed, crying and kneeling to shake his body, but he didn't open his eyes -Why are you doing this?- I asked, noticing my hands had become the same crimson red of the floor -Why did you kill him?!- I screamed.
-Because. I. Was. Bored.- he said, grinning in a creepy way, spelling out every word. 
The mystery figure approached me, slowly, and raising the knife at the high of my throat. 
-Stay away from me!- I screamed, taking some steps back.
-Don't worry about him. You will see him in a bit.- he grinned evilly.
-Noo!- I screamed, as he stabbed me and I closed my eyes.
The next moment I found myself in the bed and I was clutching the sheets in my hands. 
I was breathing heavily and my heart was racing. 
"It was just a dream?" I thought, taking a deep breath. 
At that moment someone knocked at the door.
Sebastian was gone for a few days because of a mission, so just me and Moriarty were in the Manor.
-Come in.- I said, wiping my eyes. 
-Hey.- his head peeked from the door -Is everything okay? I heard you talking in your sleep.- he said, walking in.
-Oh hey. I...I just had a nightmare.- I said, still shaking a little.
-Do you want to talk about it?- he said, sitting on the bed. 
-Well, let's say that you, John and Sherlock were tortured by a man, I didn't see his face though. He was kicking you, while you laid on the floor. Then died...and he killed me.- I said, remember those horrible scenes. 
-It's okay. I'm here. You're here. Sherlock and John are okay too. So don't worry.- he smiled -Would you like a cup of tea?- he asked, holding out his hand to me. 
-Yeah, why not?- I said, taking it.
He led the way to the kitchen.
It was days that I lived there but I had only memorised just a few rooms and stairs.
I sat at the table, while he prepared the tea.
Now that I was looking better, I noticed that he wasn't in a suit.
And I never saw him without a suit.
He was wearing a white shirt and a pair of beige pants. 
-Are you feeling better?- he asked, handing me a steaming cup.
-Yeah, a little.- I nodded, blowing the hot drink, then taking a sip. 
-Why don't we go and sit on the sofa for a bit?- he asked, stirring his tea.
I nodded, we walked to the sofa and we sat on it. 
He covered us with a blanket and I blushed a little.
-It's three a.m.?- I asked, looking at the clock.
-I guess so.- he shrugged, giggling a little, drinking some tea.
-Can I ask you something?- I asked.
-Yes, dear.- he smiled, looking at me. 
-You kidnapped me so why are you so nice to me?- I asked -I mean the coat, the earrings, the necklace, all those clothes here, the makeup, the dinner out. Why?- 
-The answer for your question, my dear, it's not quite simple. And I didn't kidnap you, you came here voluntarily, if you remember.- he smiled -But flying over this. I don't really know the answer. I had a plan in my mind, but when you arrived here, everything changed, for some reason. I felt connected to you, somehow. I felt something that I never felt in my entire life.- he said, not moving his gaze from his cup. 
-What do you mean?- I asked, as my heart started beating faster. 
-I'm not sure what I'm talking about. What I know, though, is that I won't let anyone hurt you.- he said, raising his gaze and smiling. 
-Thanks.- I murmured, feeling my cheeks warm up. 
After finishing our tea, I yawned. 
-Are you sleepy, dear?- he asked. 
-Yeah, a bit.- I answered him. 
-C'mon, I'm taking you to your bed.- he said, softly. 
-Okay.- I said, rubbing my eyes.
We stood up and headed back to my room.
-Goodnight, dear, sweet dreams.- he said, as he was about to walk out.
-No, wait.- I said, sitting down. 
-Yes dear?- he said, turning back.
-Can you...can you sleep here? With...with me?- I asked, blushing -I'm still a little afraid of the nightmare I had. Just if you want, of course.- 
-Sure. Make me some space.- he smiled, closing the door.
I moved a little so he could have enough space.
He laid next to me and covered us with the sheets.
-Well...goodnight.- I said, blushing as I felt his body so close to mine.
-Goodnight, my dear.- he said, as I turned to one side and felt his arm wrapped around my waist, making my heart race -If it bothered you just tell me, alright?- 
-Mhmh.- I hummed, yawning.
A few minutes later I fell asleep, feeling safe.

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