Chapter 26

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I arrived at the Manor. 
I looked at it, still amazed.
"It looks beautiful like the day I left." I thought, sighing. 
While I was walking on the path a thought crossed my mind.
"What if he's dead and this is all a stupid joke?" I thought, stopping and my heart raced at the only thought that it could be all a prank.  
I shook my head and continued on my way to the Manor. 
I knocked at the door and a man opened it. 
It was Jim's servant, he immediately recognised me.
-Miss Holmes. What a pleasure to see you. You heard the news then.- he smiled politely at me. 
-Yeah, I heard about it. That's why I'm here.- I smiled back at him, as he let me in.
-You know the way for his study.- he said. 
-Thanks.- I sighed in relief, understanding that he was truly alive. 
I quickly ran on the two flights of stairs, reaching the third floor.
I walked past the first three doors.
When I was in front of the fourth, I could feel my heart beating in my throat.
My hands were playing nervously with the ring with a red heart-shaped gem.
I raised my hand to knock at the door, but it stopped a few centimetres from the wooden door. 
I took a deep breath, for calming, then summoned all my courage, I knocked.
-Come in.- he screamed from inside the room. 
When I heard his voice my heart skipped a beat. 
I couldn't believe that after two years I was gonna see him again.
I lowered the handle and slowly opened the door.
He was sitting behind his desk, with his usual dark suit.
He didn't look aged at all.
-Well, hello there.- I said, making him immediately raise his gaze from the computer.
He was in pure surprise. 
-y/n! My dear!- he stood up, risking falling, approaching me -I missed you.- he hugged me tightly. 
I enjoyed for a moment his touch, before remembering what I was through because of him.
-I missed you too.- I said, before smacking his face hard.
-Oww...yeah, ok. I deserve that.- he said, massaging his cheek, which had the imprint of my hand. 
-You deserve more than just a slap, trust me.- I told him, breaking the hug. 
-I didn't think you'd come to me so soon.- he said -Please have a seat.- he said, pointing to the chair in front of the desk.
I sat on the chair, as he sat on the desk. 
-Neither did I honestly, but...but I wanted to make some things...clear.- I said, playing nervously with my hands. 
-Oh...alright. Go on.- he said, I could see something in his eyes.
What was that? Sadness? Fear? Worry?
-I'm really happy you're back. I really am but...but I don't know if...if I can be with you after...after what happened. I can't forget it, Jim.- I said, feeling my eyes tearing up at the memories of his funeral. 
-I know you can't, my dear, I know.- he said giving me a soft look -Just know that I'm here, waiting for you.- he smiled. 
-I've been living in a total hell these two years, Jim. I've been seeing a psychologist for...a lot of things and...- I that moment my phone rang.
Sebastian M.
I looked at Jim and he nodded.
-Go on, don't worry.- he smiled. 
-Thank you. Just a second, sorry.- I smiled, answering the phone -Hey Seb, what's up?- I asked, seeing with the corner of my eyes Jim's expression changing. 
-Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting with Jim but Noah is crying and screaming that he wants his mummy. Hear it by yourself.- he said.
-Mummy! I want mummy!- the baby cried. 
-Put me on speakerphone, please. Hey, hey baby. I'm coming, sweetheart. I'm coming. Don't cry, please.- I said softly.
-Okay, he calmed down a little. Please come here the fast you can.- Sebastian said.
-Alright, alright. I'm coming.- I said -I'm so sorry Jim but I really have to go.- I said, standing up -If I can I'll come tomorrow to see you.- 
-Yeah, don't worry. It seems pretty important.- he said in a weird tone. 
-Sorry again.- I quickly kissed his cheek before leaving the room. 

Jim's pov 
She looked at me and I nodded.
-Go on, don't worry.- I smiled. 
-Thank you. Just a second, sorry.- she smiled, answering the phone -Hey Seb, what's up?- when I heard that name my heart sank -Put me on speakerphone, please. Hey, hey baby. I'm coming, sweetheart. I'm coming. Don't cry, please.- I said softly.
"Is she talking with a baby? Why did Sebastian call her while he's with a baby? Have they become more than friends in these two years? Do they have a kid?" I ask myself, feeling sadness and anger growing inside me. 
-Alright, alright. I'm coming.- she said, ending the call -I'm so sorry Jim but I really have to go.- she said, standing up -If I can I'll come tomorrow to see you.- she told me.
-Yeah, don't worry. It seems pretty important.- I said, dying a little inside. 
-Sorry again.- she quickly kissed my cheek before leaving the room and I blushed. 
"I need to check on her." I thought, going out of my office and walking to my chauffeur. 
-Alfred, I need a ride to Baker Street in disguise.- I told him. 
-Sure thing, Boss.- he told me, taking the car keys, pointing to a car with dark car windows.
After some minutes we reached Baker Street. 
I spotted Sebastian, who was holding a kid's hand.
Then I saw her arriving.
The boy, when he saw her, ran to her, hugging her legs.
She ruffled his hair, picked him up and kissed his cheek.
-See? I told you that mummy was arriving.- Sebastian said. 
-Mummy.- the boy said, hugging her -Me scared mummy left me.- he cried out. 
-No, honey. I could never leave you.- she said, stroking his back. 
-Hey buddy, why don't we show mum your drawing?- seb asked him. 
-Yes, yes.- the kid smiled happily, stopping his cry. 
-I made dinner, by the way.- he said.
-Thank you. You're the best.- she smiled, then the three of them walked in together. 
My eyes we're tearing, my heart was aching and my fists were clutching. 
"She has a happy life with him. They're the perfect family." I thought, wiping my eyes "It was a mistake. I was an idiot if I was really thinking that she would have waited for me. Everything was a fucking mistake." 
-Let's go.- I told him. 
-Boss...- he tried to speak.
-Let's go now, for fuck's sake.- I yelled, angrily. 
Without any more words, he turned the car on and we left.

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