part two

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word count: 3092

The bells on the door of the animal clinic rang as Mason walked in.
"You told me you were leaving!" You could hear how hurt he was trough his voice.
"I had to."
"You lied!" He yelled pushing his boyfriend back.
"We all did." Liam spoke up.
"So this was the plan? All along?" Now he was smiling. Theo never understood what Liam liked in the kid. He found him quite annoying, and he told himself he didn't like Mason because of how much he talked. But than again maybe he was just jealous.
"Sorry Mason, but my dad had to believe we left. Everyone has to believe."
"What happens next? We fight back now, right?"

"What did you think we were gonna do? Run?"

After the group had their moment, everyone started conversations. Liam walked up to Scott.
"Hey Scott? Could we talk?" The alpha gave him a questioning look, but nodded. They walked out of the room.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, everything's fine." Liam said, obviously not sure how to get to the question he wanted to ask.
"What did you want to talk about?"
"It's just, a random question, like, there's nothing to it I'm just curious you know like there's not-"
"Liam, it's alright, you can talk to me." the beta took a deep breath.
"How do you know if someone is your anchor?"
Scott looked at the younger boy, trying to figure out who he could be thinking about.
"Is this about Hayden leav-"
"It's not about Hayden." He said quickly "I just- it's hard to explain."
"Alright, well when I was your age-" Liam gave him a look "when I was learning control, every time I got angry, or shifted without wanting to, I'd hear Allison's voice. Her laugh, or just anything she's ever said to me. I'd see her smile and the anger went away."
"But you were in love with her? And she was in love with you?"
"I mean, yeah."
Liam stayed quiet. He couldn't get Theo out of his head. The way he grabbed him arm, the things he said, it made Liam calm down, and go crazy at the same time. Not even Hayden could do that.
It really freaked Liam out, because last time he checked he hated the older boy. Alright maybe he stopped hating him when he saved him at the hospital. But it was still confusing.

He didn't understand why he thought about it so much. He didn't like Theo, and Theo didn't like him. There's nothing to think about.


Of course Scott McCall already had a genius plan. But for now, they were staying at the animal clinic, nowhere else was safe.

They spent rest of the afternoon talking over the plan. No surprise, Theo didn't believe it's gonna work, however, this time he kind of liked it. Why? Because he got to spend time with Liam. He wasn't really sure why Scott trusted him with the life of his beta, but he decided not to think about it too much.

A few hours later it was already dark outside. The pack decided to call it a night, and go to sleep early, so everyone will be fresh in the morning.

However, Theo didn't even try to close his eyes. He went outside, sat down in front of the building, he made sure he stayed hidden from the road, so no one could see him. He took a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lit one.

You see, werewolves heal, cigarettes doesn't affect his health, however, the nicotine still calmed him down a bit.

He was so focused on breathing in, than breathing out the smoke, he didn't hear the footsteps getting closer and closer.

"I didn't know you smoke." Liam said sitting next to the chinema.
"I don't." Theo said turning to the boy.
Theo wouldn't call himself a smoker, he hardly smoke three cigarettes in a week.
"Yeah, I can see that."
A few seconds of silence.
"You should be asleep." The older boy broke it.
"So should you."
"I don't sleep. Not much anyway."
"How come?" Theo kept the eye contact. He needed to see the beta's reaction to the things he says.
"Since when do you care?" Liam rolled his eyes.
"I don't." he said, but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than Theo. "But everyone else is asleep and I'm bored."
The older boy smirked. That was a lie.
"I have this illness, called nightuspissus."
Liam's face dropped.
"W-what is that?"
"It's really serious. It affects the body in a way not even a werewolf can heal." The younger boy was totally buying it.
"But why can't you sleep? Are you dying? You should definitely tell Deaton, he might know how to help-"
"I can't sleep because while I'm asleep, I just can't hold it in... and I piss myself."
Liam rolled his eyes and slightly punched tho other boy's arm, who was laughing at his own joke.
"It's not fucking funny, I thought you were like- dying or something!"
Theo smiled, still not taking his eyes off of the beta. "I thought you didn't care." he said, enjoying teasing the other boy a little too much.

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