The A-rankers

684 23 2

The raid team had just got inside the dungeon. Inside was a corridor with brick walls painted a deep green. As the raid team strolled through, Riynsu was glancing at the two other A-rankers. The walls started to get wider and wider until they had come to three different pathways.

???: "So, what do we do now?" 

???: "How about each of us split up into three groups? There are three A-ranks so, each one for each team."

Grinning, An A-ranker replied.

 "Good idea..."

So, Splitting into three teams of three, Riynsu was placed with Ayumi and Furukawa. The three teams then went into each entrance, to which they went to the left one. As they were wandering through the tunnel, they were having a conversation.

Furukawa: "So, I've gotta ask. What happened to you after the incident?" 

Riynsu: "Well... Apparently, Some team found me and then I was in the hospital."

Furukawa: "Is that so?"

Riynsu: "Yes. And did you hear that the team that found me never saw the statues? It was as if they disappeared."


Ayumi had shouted out in disbelief. She couldn't comprehend the fact that the bastards, who slaughtered most of their teammates, so-called 'disappeared'.

Furukawa: *in disbelief* "That should be impossible!"

Riynsu: "Well, that's what the investigators told me."

Furukawa then decided to forget the statues. It was all in the past and, the statues had now disappeared.

Furukawa: "Kurusu-san, I can't thank you enough for what you did."

Riynsu: "It's fine. I was the one who told you to go remember."

Ayumi: "It's not fine. You don't know how grateful my brother is to you. He was even going to name his future kid after you."

 Furukawa: *ignores Ayumi*  "I also have to say that it was wrong of me to just leave you there. I'm sorry."

Riynsu: "It's like I told you before. I told you to go. You had already offered to be the sacrifice." 'It's the others that selfishly left that should be apologising to us and the ones they let die.'

The tunnel they had been walking through the past couple of minutes had started to become narrower. They suspected that there was nothing here. As they got deeper, their presumptions were correct as they had reached a dead end.

Other Player // Solo levelling X Male OC/readerWhere stories live. Discover now