Pilot [5]

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Dr. Wagner tore off a prescription paper and handed it to Patrick "Everything you told me is total fiction, isn't it?"

"Yes," Patrick admitted.

"Why? I can tell you're in real pain. Why not tell the truth?"

"The truth is mine,"

"I hear you," Dr. Wagner sighed.

"Thank you," Patrick began to leave with Serena "Oh, yes." he turned back towards Dr. Wagner "Remember, uh, we were talking about Tannen the other day? I asked you if he kept a diary, and you said he did. Well, there's no diary among his effects,"


"I'm sorry, no?"

"No. You have it wrong. I didn't think he kept a diary,"

Patrick looked down at Serena, who merely shrugged "Strange. Then it must've been someone else who told me. Either that or I'm going mad. But I, 100 percent, remember hearing that Tannen kept a diary,"

"Well, that is strange. But why does it matter if he kept a diary?"

"You're right," Patrick shrugged off "doesn't matter. Only, I was thinking, why do magicians have beautiful girl assistants?"


"They're reliable distractors of attention. People will look at a beautiful girl for a long time...before they look where they should be looking...if they wanna see how the trick works. I'll send over a couple of Forensics guys tomorrow...to search his office and locate that diary,"

"Didn't they already search his office?"

"Oh, they never do it thoroughly the first time. Once more for luck, yeah? Gotta be there somewhere. Thanks for everything, doc," Patrick leads Serena out of the office. "Good night,"

"Good night," Serena signed with a smile.


Patrick quietly opened up the door to the office, letting Serena in after him.

Dr. Wagner was already inside the messy office, as he searched for the diary.

"Lost something?" Patrick asked causing Dr. Wagner to look back in surprise.

"How did you get in?" Dr. Wagner voiced.

"Door was open," Patrick shrugged. "I think I left my phone in your office,"

"The door wasn't open,"

"Must've been. Here we are," Patrick looked around the messy office "What are you doing?"

"I confess, the temptation to play detective was a little too strong. I was looking for that diary." Dr. Wagner looked around the messy office "I got a little carried away,"

"No kidding," Serena signed.

"No diary?" Patrick wondered.

Dr. Wagner shook his head "No diary,"

"Maybe I should have a gander. I'm good at finding things,"

"Be my guest,"

Patrick looked around the room until he came to a bookshelf and knelt. He reached into the crack and dragged a red book from underneath. Patrick flipped through the pages "Eureka. Dr. Wagner, thanks for your help," He began to lead Serena back out of the office.

Dr. Wagner followed the duo out of the office "Mr. Jane...uh, your phone,"

"Right." Patrick realized. He followed Dr. Wagner into his office "Thanks," Patrick headed over to the couch and pulled it from the cushions "Yeah, got it. Silly of me. Well, goodbye again,"

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