Red Hair and Silver Tape [Final]

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"Hey," Lisbon greeted Patrick without looking up from her computer.

"Listen, I don't want to make you mad, but I found something really interesting I want you to look at it," Patrick revealed.

"You can't make me mad. Go ahead. What'd you find?"

Patrick glanced over at Syrena, who merely shrugged. He looked back at Lisbon. "You first. Who made you so happy?"

"Forensics. There are substantial traces of Melanie's blood on the seat of Hector's truck,"

"Oh. So... a happy day,"

"Yeah. Now I'm going to go and see what Hector has to say about it. What'd you find?"

"Oh. Uh, it-it can wait,"


"Blood?" Hector asked as Lisbon was questioning him on the newfound evidence. "Yes. The last time I saw her, two weeks ago, she was disrespectful, so I had to tune her up. She got a bloody nose,"

"Was physical abuse a normal occurrence in your relationship, or is this more recent?" Lisbon wondered.

"She chose me. She wanted to know where the edges were. I showed her,"


"Go ahead. Say it," Lisbon said as she and Patrick walked through the hall after interrogating Hector.

"He's telling the truth," Patrick admitted.

"And I disagree. I'm charging him,"

"No. Yes. good. That's good. Go ahead. You got more than enough evidence,"

Syrena hurried over to her father and handed him his cell phone.

"Oops, nearly forgot," Patrick smiled.

"Okay, tell me. What'd you find?" Lisbon wondered.

"He has to show you," Syrena smiled.

Patrick winked at Lisbon as he got on the phone. "Hi. Uh, I made a booking for two for this afternoon. Could you put us on the terrace? It's more romantic. Thanks. Yeah. Patrick. Lovely. See you then," he hung up the phone and smirked at Lisbon "Don't fret. I wouldn't seduce you over a meal. That would be very sophomoric,"

"I didn't think you were trying to seduce me," Lisbon countered.

"Come on. How could that thought not have entered your head? Your denial that it did intrigues me,"

"Bite me,"


Patrick unlocked the motel room door, and Syrena ran in and sat on the bed facing the television.

"What is this?" Lisbon questioned as she looked around the room.

"Uh..." Patrick moved about the room to get it set up and turned on the television to show Van Pelt putting on lipstick and wearing a dress.

"That's Van Pelt." Lisbon noted, "What is she doing?"

"This is a live feed from Shand Creek Restaurant," Patrick explained. "And this is how we're gonna catch Melanie's killer,"


Rigsby stood outside the restaurant and noticed Van Pelt walk out in a red dress.

Van Pelt walked over to Rigsby. "How do I look?"

"Good." Rigsby said, "You look good,"

"I meant, can you see the wire?"

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