Chapter 9

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Edelgard's Pov

I just wanted sleep and this is what I get...

These Agriche are crazy

He finally put me down when we were on top of a balcony



He was about to say something when a red butterfly came flying towards us

"Ah- That must be Roxanne's" I spoke

"Tch." Was all he said until he started carrying me again

"I'm sorry Edelgard, you have to go through this..." 

Nah it's fine since I'm getting treated like a princess, I thought to myself

More butterflies came to our way and Dion had enough so he killed them all

"You're getting tired, right?" 

 "It's fine..."

We stopped at a garden

I gasped they were just beautiful!

"Glad you like them" he spoke

He reached out my hand and spoke out 

"Edelgard, I really lo-" Was all he got to say until Jeremy came looking furious at him

There were the others behind him the Agriche family (except for Lant because he didn't 

give swear word"

"Y-you! What are you doing with my Edelgard!" Jeremy yelled

" I don't care if she's yours." replied back Dion

The wives were at silence

But Charolotte screamed "I'm going to tell daddy to give the toy to me!"

The two boys glared at Charolotte with death glares so Grizelda hushed Charolotte down

Roxanne's Pov


I felt bad for El because she was going through all this trouble

So, I took the girl's hand ignoring the 2 boys

"Are you alright, El" I asked while smiling

"SISTER ROXIE!" Jeremy yelled

"Roxanne, hand her over now...!" Dion demanded

The girl looked like she was going to fain but I caught her just in time

Her left thigh started bleeding and I sat her down on a bench while Grizelda was healing her

The two boys looked worried

We all went back to the Masion keeping silence the whole way

But Maria laughed how the two boys were fighting over El

She then started a conversation with the other wives

When we got back home, father didn't even greet us

Dion and Jeremy both volunteered to take back El, but I was the one that put her

 back in her room

She was pretty light

Grizelda was researching and detecting spy's

Jeremy went back to his room

Dion was getting ready for his next mission father gave him

The wives went back to sleep so did Charolotte

After I laid El down, I went to check on Cassis who was awake and asking for his cousin

I told him she was fine now

I need to think of a way to get them escape...

Hello! I'm the authors older sister. I'll be changing a few things like age, details etc.

Roxanne is 16

Dion is 18

Jeremy is 15

Edelgard is 16

Cassis is 17

Grizelda is 21 (She's the oldest child of the Agriche family)

Fontaine is 19

Don't worry you'll be seeing more of me!

Jeremy Agriche x F!oc x Dion AgricheWhere stories live. Discover now