Cats Don't Glare

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Derek Hale isn't angry, he isn't. Sure maybe he's a little annoyed that Cora doesn't label her bottles of potions that could kill someone and just sticks them into the refrigerator. He's not the least bit upset that she used an old Gatorade bottle to store the stuff in, and he's not mad that she put it with all the other drinks in his refrigerator.

Derek isn't angry, it's a stage behind anger that borderlines malicious rage.

He was just minding his own business, coming back from a run, and all he wanted was something to drink. Now, in all his innocence, Derek Hale is now a cat. A cat with black fur and sharp claws and a puffy tail. He yowls loudly to get his sister's attention to fix this, but she doesn't answer. Honestly, Derek has been through so much in his short life and now he's has to deal with this . He patters off in search of his sister until he remembers that she went away for the weekend with Isaac, and he sighs. Or huffs as it sounds like coming from the smaller body he's now trapped in.

Derek's tail (he has a tail. Dammit, Cora.) flails widely as he thinks about what to do. Cora isn't going to be back for weeks, and Derek cannot stay as a cat when he has a pack that he needs to see almost on a daily basis.

So Derek sucks up his pride, and goes to the one person who might be able to help him.


Stiles is trying to do homework for his Literature class, staying home for college was a smart idea considering that he didn't have any money for rent or anything like that, and he is staring at his computer trying to type an essay that isn't coming to him. His phone buzzes with a message from Scott asking if he's written the essay yet, and Stiles throws his phone on his bed with an annoyed sigh.

A loud scratching sound takes Stiles' attention away from his computer, no it doesn't Stiles wasn't paying the least bit of attention to his essay, and he turns his head to look for the source of the noise. He almost thinks he's imagining it when it happens louder and is accompanied by a loud meowing sound. “What the hell?” Stiles says, and he turns towards his window where he is sees a black cat staring back at him almost angrily. “Hello, kitty.” Stiles coos, opening his window.

The cat seemingly glares at him before hopping into the room with graceful leap and perching itself on Stiles' bed, staring at him the entire time. “You're so pretty. How did you get here?” Stiles asks, talking to the cat like it could talk back to him. He reaches over to pet it, but it shifts it's head away with a dirty look before moving away. “Oh, wow. Uppidy cat.” Stiles laughs, and the cat glares at him.

Stiles gives it an odd look before shrugging his shoulders, and going back to his homework. John won't let him keep a pet in the house anyway.


The cat gets on Stiles' nerves rather quickly, and Stiles huffs in annoyance before he says anything out loud or tries to shoo it away. It jumps on Stiles' bookshelf, pushing off his heavy spell books on to the floor, and it makes Stiles' jump. “Would you stop it, dude?” Stiles asks, turning his head to the right. “Yeah, dude.” Stiles says, his suspicions about the cat's sex being correct. As if the cat knew what he was doing, it hisses at him before sitting down to cover it's privates. “Weird ass cat.” Stiles tells him, and the door slamming downstairs tells him that his father is home.

Stiles leaves the cat alone to go downstairs to greet his father, and hopefully explains himself into getting to keep the surly cat that refuses to leave his room. “Dad. Hi. So you aren't going to believe this.” Stiles says, and John gives him a strange look before sighing.

“Please tell me that it doesn't have anything to do with the cat that is on the stairs.” John says, and Stiles squeaks as he turns around to see the cat glaring down at him them with a mixed look of impatience and disgruntlement.

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