Once Upon A Timey-Wimey

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ilovesterek wanted a Doctor Who!AU but I'm not a huge fan of the show, so this is an attempt at this. So if you're a fan of the show, please don't point out how inaccurate this is. Just quiet mumble my name in disdain as you read.


Stiles Stilinski is bored with life, and that thought makes him sad and depressed. It's not that he doesn't like going to college, he really doesn't but his father is happy with it so he doesn't say anything about hating it, it's just he has many other things he would rather be doing. He's just bored all the time when he isn't lost in his own thoughts, or when he's writing.

Stiles would love it if he could published any of stories, but he doesn't think he could send any of his stories off to a publisher. He loves to write, but he hates when other reads his things. Stiles sighs to himself as it starts to rain, and he just walks slower to enjoy it. Stiles likes the rain, walking in it, letting it wash over his skin. His father thinks he's odd, Stiles doesn't mind since he knows his father loves him strangeness and all, so Stiles really doesn't let what people think get to him.

The cars drive by him as he walks, he doesn't care to drive in the autumn time since the weather is nice and he likes the alone time. He tends to drift into his own little world, and he really shouldn't do that if he's driving with other people near him. Stiles is humming to himself when he suddenly realizes that's he's home. Stiles sighs sadly to himself before he unlocks the door, and he shuts the door behind him.


"How's school going?" John asks, and Stiles stops mid bite of his pasta to look at his father. They have dinner two a week, they have the entire two years that Stiles has been in college, and he gives his father a smile.

"Fine." Stiles tells him, not really lying but not really telling the truth. He just sort of drifts through school, he wishes that it was more exciting but he doesn't think he can complain about it. His father hums once, he likes when Stiles answers in full sentences but he'll take this, and he nods his head while he takes a bite of the wheat grain pasta.

They fall into comfortable silence while they eat, and Stiles moves to takes his dishes into the sink. Stiles likes spending time with his father, they don't say much to each other but when they need each other they're always there for each other. Stiles moves to start to wash the dishes, he hates washing dishes but his father cooked so he guesses he'll do the dishes for the older man, and he looks out the window while he does it.

Stiles wonders what would happen if he left and went somewhere. Would anyone miss him, well his father would, and he would love to go on an adventure. John walks into the kitchen before turning towards Stiles and he takes a sip of coffee. "Night shift?" Stiles asks, and John nods his head. "I'll be sure to lock up before I go back to the apartment." Stiles says, and John nods before he walks over towards him to clap him on the back.

"Stay safe." John says, and Stiles nods his head as he moves to dry his hands so that he can hug his father.

"You too." Stiles tells him, and John nods before he grabs his keys. Stiles watches him go before he moves to settle down on the couch, and he lays down on the couch to stare at the ceiling. He drifts off into a vivid dream of bright colors and everything that he usually sees in his imagination, and his eyes flash open at the sound of loud crash. Stiles stands before he moves to rush outside, John doesn't have neighbors anymore, and Stiles looks around before he stills.

There's a blue phone booth looking thing in the middle of John's backyard, and Stiles looks at it before a man emerges as the box as he waves smoke way from his face. Stiles watches, he cannot say anything because this is so unreal, and the man moves to look in the glass windows of the blue police box. He's in a nice suit that is a odd mix or blue and purple with a bow tie, and Stiles stares at him. "Oh, God. I've got a beard this time." He mutters, and Stiles gapes at him. The man hasn't even noticed him yet, he should have considering that he crashed a phone booth into his father's yard. "This is odd place." The man hums, and Stiles finally manages to find his voice.

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