When Everything Changed

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He was free.

For the first time in his short life, he was truly free.

The Indoraptor smiled at his newfound independence, and thought once more about how he had gained it.

He had been moved to a different cage, the transport cage, and the cage had been moved to a massive room filled with bipeds. There he was rolled forward, shocked by a pair of bipeds with light sticks as the cage advanced. This angered him, as there was no lesson to be learned, no purpose for the pain. In his eyes, pain needed purpose, whether that be revenge or hunting, and pain for simple entertainment was wrong. It was just another thing he had learned to hate about these bipeds, they used pain for fun.

He could smell odd mixtures of fear and joy from the bipeds in the room, confusing him. All of the bipeds he had ever encountered were scared of him, but their individual fears had lessened over time. When the cage stopped moving, he realized what was happening, he was being presented to a new group of bipeds, who had no idea what to expect from him.

He wondered why he was being presented, but his thoughts were cut short when the red line appeared, on one of the new bipeds.

Words could not express the sudden joy he felt in that moment. Finally! This must be his intended purpose, a weapon to be used against this other group of bipeds! They'll certainly release him to be able to attack, and once he finished this group off, he'd turn on his own, and finally have his victory.

Things didn't go the way he had expected. The noise sounded, but the cage wasn't opened. He tried to attack through the bars, but he couldn't reach the target. Then, in another surprising turn of events, the noise stopped without the death of the marked biped.

The Indoraptor, after getting over his momentary confusion, seethed with rage, he had been made a fool, again reduced to entertainment for these bipeds. They sought to mock him by giving him a target, an extremely tempting target, and then ordering him to attack without giving him the ability to finish the task.

The only positive thing he got out of it was that the levels of collective fear in the room spiked when he had tried to attack. It was nice to know that he wasn't seen entirely as a novelty by this new group.

However, that fear quickly dissipated, and he was left annoyed in the cage as the bipeds started randomly yelling short calls to each other.

After a few minutes of listening to them yell at the one standing in the back, they stopped. Then another unexpected thing happened.

He didn't see how it started, but a strange creature broke into the room and started attacking the bipeds, throwing them into a frenzy.

However pleased he was at the chaos happening amidst his captors, he was more curious about this animal that had started it all. It looked similar to him, in a way nothing else ever had. It was smaller than him, and still different, but the resemblance interested him nevertheless.

Then, to add to all of the strange and unexpected occurrences, a male biped started fighting the other bipeds, the ones dressed as fighters. Suddenly, in a matter of moments, the Indoraptor had gone from being annoyed and angry at everything to being more curious and entertained than he had ever been before.

He wondered if this biped was the reason the similar creature had escaped. Had this biped betrayed the others? Was he from a rival group? These questions excited him, because his presence was an opportunity.

The similar creature continued wreaking havoc among the bipeds, finally causing such a panic that the room was almost completely emptied.

Then the cage started moving, he was being sent back.

Life of a Weapon, an Indoraptor StoryWhere stories live. Discover now