• Chapter 8 🚻

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Silence filled the halls as Sidney pushed open the bathroom door. She walked over to the sink, rummaging through her bag for something, her eyes bloodshot and puffy from the conversation with her boyfriend a mere few moments ago, when a conversation struck up in the two stalls behind her

"I think they made it all up"

     "Why would they do that" a voice she recognised as Nancy Webber's sounded back to her friend

"For attention...Sidney has some serious issues and Y/n is an attention seeking whore" the girls voice sounding all too well like Stephanie's. The stall clicked open as Sidney found herself in the end stall hoping not to be seen by the two girls

"What if she did it? What if Sidney killed Casey and Steve" the sound of the bathroom door opening causght Sidney's attention but went unnoticed by two girls

"Why would she do that?"

"Maybe she had the hots for Steve and killed them both in a jealous rage"

"your forgetting Y/n was there that night, why would Sidney attack Y/n too, their like best friends"

"maybe Sidney liked Stu too and tried to get rid of Y/n, they're all very close in that group"

"What would Sidney want with Steve or Stu? She has her own bubble but boyfriend, billy" Stephanie fixed her lipstick as she looked back at Nancy in the mirror

"Maybe she's a slut just like her mother"

"Talking about yourself again Stephanie?" The voice that Sidney couldn't misplace sounded from the door , Y/n walking into view of the two girls

"Oh Y/n I didn't see you there. Nancy and I were just talking about how the little scene you and Sidney put on last night " she said a sickly sweet smirk on her face.

"Why would we make that up. I know your desperate for attention but Sid and I aren't, I mean cmon Sidney in love with Steve? Get a grip. You might stoop as low as to be with everyone's boyfriend but Sidney isn't and she's happy with billy."

"Wasn't Sidney the one to throw her own boyfriend in jail last night? And if I'm not mistaken I saw you and Stu having a lover's quarrel in the hallway earlier" a smug look crossed Stephanie's face as she crossed her arms across her chest "I wonder how long it would take to turn his head"

Y/n threw her hands out to the side "look talk shit about me all you want. Call me slut, a whore, a cow, drag my name through the dirt if you have to, but don't-" she began walking over to where Stephanie stood "-and i mean Don't...talk about any of my friends like their worthless or i swear the only thing you will be able to do with your mouth is sip food through a straw"

Stephanie's face contorted in fear as she walked  out of the bathroom,Nancy sheepishly following behind her. Y/n let out a breath, this one being from the rage that had built up inside her, her hands now shaking when the stall door from behind her swung open and two arms wrapped around her

"Thank you" Y/n turned in Sidney's arms and hugged her back

"Anytime" Sidney began to fix herself up in the mirror while Y/n reapplied some mascara "those two seriously boil my blood" out of the corner of her eye Y/n could see Sidney turn on the spot looking back towards the stalls "I mean seriously, you the killer. There's more chance of-......Sid, honey, whatcha doing on the ground?" She began looking at the stalls where Sidney was looking furrowing her eyebrows

"I could have sworn I heard something....like a whisper" Y/n let a smile cross her face as she looked to her friend with soft eyes

"Sid i hate to break it to you but it's a public bathroom-there's going to be other people here" she leaned back against the sink as Sidney stood back up straight

𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙾𝙳 𝙲𝚄𝚁𝙳𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚂𝙲𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙼𝚂 (𝚂𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝟷𝟿𝟿𝟼)Where stories live. Discover now