• Chapter 12 🎭

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"Who'd you call?" I asked billy as we sat in Stu's parents room, tidying ourselves up after what had just happened.

"What?" I picked up my show pulling it on As I answer him

"Um, we'll, I don't know, when you're arrested you're allowed one phone call so I was just curious. Who'd you call?" It was silent for a moment until he spoke up behind me

"Called my dad" remembering the Sheriff mention Billy's dad before talking to me at the ambulance I furrowed my eyes brows letting out a small laugh

"No, Um, Sheriff Burke called your dad. I saw him" I grabbed my other shoe as I began putting it on

"Yeah, but when I called I didn't get an answer" not completely convinced with his story I let out a 'huh'. I didn't want to get into an argument. Not here. Not now after what's just happened. I wanted to remain in the bliss but it was hard when I felt he was lying to me. "You don't still think it was me, do ya?"

A small laugh left my mouth once again as I turned to him shaking my head. "No. No." I turned my body so I was now facing him as he laced up his shoes "I was just thinking if it were you, it'd be a very clever way to throw me off track. You know using your one phone call to call me so I wouldn't think it was you, is all"


{billy found humour in this. Now to be fair he wasn't lying when he said he didn't call Sidney. No. He called Y/n. You see when Stu ran into him at the police station he slipped the voice box into his hand. And with the power Billy's father had, billy was able to be alone when he made his phone call.

No the person who rang Sidney was Stu. Last night when he told Y/n he had to call his parents he called Sidney instead. It was a great alibi. Y/n could cover for him if Sidney brought up the phone call and with billy in jail and her being in Stu's house, Y/n wouldn't have suspected either of them. It was perfect.}

Billy's face fell serious as he stood up walking towards me. Causing my laugh to cease "what do I have to do to prove to you I'm not a killer?" I stood shocked as I looked at him

"Oh my god"

"Huh?" My eyes fell onto a figure behind him. Not just any figure. No. It was that stupid costume again.

"Oh, my god"

"Sidney-" two arms raised above their head as I put my arm out motioning behind him

"Billy watch out!" Turning around the killer knife came down slashing at Billy's chest. My heart felt shattered. As I stood there crying. His body turned to me as his arm reached out to me

"Sid" he wheezed as he fell onto the bed. Movement caught my attention as I looked up to see the killer stare at me. His leaver glove wrapping around the blade of the knife as he wiped the blood from it, now Coming for me.

In a second I jumped across the bed and out of the room, Locking the door behind me. I ran from there and towards the staircase only to come face to face with the killer at the end of it causing me to turn and run through the halls once again.

Finding a room I turned shutting the door just as he came at me. The smack caused him to fall as I turned going into a small room off to the side. I slammed the door shut and out a surf board that acted as a barrier. A bang on the door caused my feet to carry me towards a window. Catching view of gales news van I began to bang on the window

With how high up I was it was no use. Nobody could here me now. I turned to find another window as the door budged a little, the killers mask and knife coming through the door. I pushed the window open and began to climb out of it. Slipping on the tiles I got my balance as I held onto the window, looking out towards the van calling for help once again.

𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙾𝙳 𝙲𝚄𝚁𝙳𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚂𝙲𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙼𝚂 (𝚂𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝟷𝟿𝟿𝟼)Where stories live. Discover now