Chapter 7

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3:45 pm~

Hongjoongh was sitting on the couch in the living room, waiting for Seonghwa to contact him. He was really excited to get to know the older but scared at the same time as he's friends with Wooyoung, San's bully. Sighing, he rested his head on the couch.


Picking up the phone, he replied to Seonghwa, "Hello?" he said in a polite way. "Yeah, Hongjoongh. Are you ready already?" Seonghwa asked from the other side of the phone. "Yeah..." Hongjoongh softly answered. "Oh great! I'm outside of your home." Seonghwa said. Getting a bit nervous, Hongjoongh replied a small 'okay' .

Turning off all the lights of his house and locking the main door, Hongjoong walked outside of his house through the main.

As soon he looked his left and right on the street to find Seonghwa, he found a stunning looking red car with open roof, driven by Seonghwa. Waving a hand towards the other, Seonghwa shouted to get the other's attention. Waving back at Seonghwa,

Hongjoongh started to move where the car was parked. The older opened the door fir the younger. Hongjoongh getting inside the car, cleared his throat to become a bit confident. Hongjoongh thought the other would soon start to drive towards his house, but Seonghwa just started at the other while Hongjoong started infront of them on the rood.

After a few seconds, Seonghwa sighing, slightly got up from his seat. Approaching the younger, the other immediately squeezed himself. Weirdly starting at the other, Hongjoong asked,

"W-what are you d-doing?". Seonghwa just sighed at the other's question and kept moving close to Hongjoongh. Placing his right hand slightly at the black of the other, Seonghwa slowly pulled the seat belt and fastened it. Hongjoong sighed in relief, giggled softly.

"I was just fastening your seat belt." Seonghwa replied, making his eyes narrow, dramatically making a 'disgusted' face. After a few seconds of staring at eachother with a disgusted face, they both broke out in laughter.

After a brief moment of sharing laughter, Seonghwa finally started his stunning looking red car, he drove towards his place.

After 30 minutes of a ride filled with jokes and laughs, they finally reached Seonghwa's house. Hongjoongh's eyes widened on seeing how big Seonghwa's house was. A huge mansion like house with a giant entry gate.

"W-woow... You're so r-rich" Hongjoongh commented seeing how rich Seonghwa is. Awkwardly laughing, Seonghwa welcomed Hongjoongh. "Please come in." Seonghwa gestured in a polite way, opening the front door.

Hongjoong smiled happily and entered. 'He's is really polite unlike his friend, Wooyoung.' Hongjoong thought unknowingly smiling softly, which Seonghwa noticed.

Laughing faintly, "Why are you smiling?" Seonghwa asked while approaching the latter. "Huh? Nothing..." Hongjoongh spoke shaking his head in a no.

After a few minutes of settlement, they went to the backyard where Seonghwa's small basketball court was located. It was a bit smaller than an actual court.

Since Hongjoongh didn't know how to play, Seonghwa started to make him understand all the rules. Hongjoongh was listening to the other very carefully.
"Okay, so let play a small match." Seonghwa said.

"B-but, I wouldn't win against you..." Hongjoong replied while pouting. Laughing faintly, Seonghwa said, "ok fine, don't worry, I'll not play seriously and will let you win easily." while laughing looking at the shorter one who looked flustered. "Okay! Try taking the ball away from me." Seonghwa order while dribbling the ball.

"I can't!" Hongjoong pouted, crossing his hand on his chest. "Oh come man! Don't be so childish." Seonghwa said in an annoyed tone.

"What?! Childish?!" Hongjoong said getting a bit angry. Seonghwa smirked seeing his planed worked well.

Yes, Seonghwa didn't wanted to make Hongjoongh angry but it was the only way to make the shorter a bit hyped. Hongjoongh quickly approached the older and tried to snatch away the ball but Seonghwa being a bit taller, made harder for Hongjoongh to get the ball but he kept trying from different positions. As expected, Hongjoongh was able to make the basketball fall from Seonghwa's hold.

Getting the ball, Hongjoongh dribbled, teasing the other in a way; look-I-got-the-ball. Seonghwa mentally smiled. Hongjoongh quickly tried to run towards the other's court basket. Before Hongjoongh could make a point, Seonghwa quickly snatched away the ball, jumping.

Since Seonghwa was a basketball player, he easily made a point, completely forgetting that he was supposed to let Hongjoongh make a point. Realising, Hongjoong pouted at Seonghwa who softly laughed awkwardly.

"S-sorry..." was all Seonghwa said while rubbing the back of his neck. "Ok...let's play again..." Seonghwa said, tossing the ball towards Hongjoongh. This time Seonghwa really let Hongjoong win, though sometimes he got out of control.

"Hey! You can't hold the for too long in your hand!" Hongjoongh whined while trying to reach the ball which Seonghwa held high in air, making tough for Hongjoongh to get. Hongjoongh was trying to reach the ball by jumping, not until when Seonghwa suddenly turned his head in attempt to make an eye contact but mistakenly their lips got connected for a fraction of seconds.

They didn't dare to move from their positions, both wanting to let the other to make the move. Both staring at eachother, lips just 1mm apart from eachother's. After few seconds of nothing happening, Hongjoong dared to move away.

"S-sorry, I--" before Hongjoongh could finish his sentence, Seonghwa smashed his lips on the other's, making Hongjoongh to widen his eyes. The said name was so confused and suprised with the other's actions, that he didn't know what to do next.

As a result he didn't kiss back Seonghwa which made the said name to pull away. 'Sh*t! Sh*t! What the f**k I did!' Seonghwa mentally cursed himself. Hongjoongh just stared at the floor of the basketball court. They fell silent.

An award silence started to swallow them. It was not until Hongjoongh spoke up, "Seonghwa..." more in a whisper to which Seonghwa responded by instantly raising his head to look into the other's eyes. Slowly approaching the other, Hongjoongh first hesitated, but finally pulled Seonghwa into a passionate short kiss.

Seonghwa quickly responded by kissing the shorter back. After a minute of kissing eachother, they both pulled away. Both embarrassed as hell. Breaking the silence,

"Hongjoong, I think, I kinda like you... I don't want to force you to accept this liking instantly. I want to give time, to know me, to know what am I, how am I, everything..." Seonghwa spoke in a soft soothing voice which made Hongjoong to tear up a little.

The said name was so embarrassed and shy that he kept looking at the floor and just nodded. Seonghwa slowly approached the shorter, placing his index finger under the other's chin, he lifted Hongjoong's face to make eye contact.

The said name blushed hard, face tint red. Noticing the blush, Seonghwa smiled. The said named male placed a soft kiss on the other's forehead and hugged him tightly to which Hongjoongh responded by hugging back.

Seonghwa was indeed the second most feared student in the college after Wooyoung, but he certainly had a soft spot for Hongjoongh. They both exchanged their phone numbers. Since it was almost 8:30 pm Hongjoongh wished to go home and Seonghwa fulfilled it by driving back to the other's home.

They both said eachother a small 'goodbye' and Hongjoongh went inside his home. With a rapidly beating heart, Seonghwa drove back to his place with a blushing smile.


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