Chapter 35

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Hope you all enjoy!!

And please don't be silent readers ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


San couldn't sleep that night. Not properly. All night he just wondered and thought about those evidences he found earlier. Wondered about Wooyoung, occasionally looking at the said named male, infront of him. Laying down, peacefully sleep, like an innocent dear.

San sighed heavily. He just couldn't get to any point as to why Wooyoung could have done that. Hurted Yunho...? He still questioned himself. They were just starting to get along but- fuck!!

San ran his palm down his face in frustration. Exhaustion from overthinking was clear on his face, but he just couldn't go to sleep. Adrenaline got his best, not letting him to close his eyes.

"You should get some sleep. Otherwise you're gonna get dark circles under you eyes." San suddenly heard his second persona talk from the mirror on their room, on the wall. San just rolled his eyes.

"You shouldn't be bothered by that..." he murmured.

"Maybe. Maybe not." San shrugged.

"Give me the control. I'll got to sleep, so will you. Tomorrow I'll give it to you again." San simply said, shrugging. A sigh was heard form the other.



As soon as the daylight broke, San woke up. He was indeed restless. Adrenaline was flowing at a great speed through his veins. Wooyoung was still there in his bed, sleeping peacefully.

Walking out of the room, San rushed to the bathroom with his clothes and change at the speed of light. He was still nervous and scared to go and check those footages. He mind was fully occupied with all the process he would follow to break into the security room of their college.

Yes, break in. There was no other option. Of course the premises wouldn't allow him willingly to go and check what ever he needs to. Of course not.

"I need a laptop..." San said. San just hummed in response.

Packing his backpack, San shoved his laptop. Laptops were forbidden in their college classrooms. So San has to be very very careful with this one.

Swinging the door of his dorm open, he acceded down the stairs. Almost jumping off from three or four stairs, he basically ran towards the college building. It was too early for their college to start so San could easily pass away, without anyone noticing him.

He swiftly ran towards the main gate and got inside. The gate connecting their dorm building and the college was never locked, although it was closed. The security guard was asleep in his deep slumber. San took the opportunity and sneaked inside the building swiftly than ever.

Inside the building, there were only a few staffs since it was very early in the morning. Without wasting a minute, San softly Ram towards his desired room's direction. He had to bent down as he occasionally passed a few staff rooms their, which had transparent windows.

He could see the door of the security room, a sly smirk had spread across his face.

"Hide behind the pillar to your left! NOW!!" San heard his second persona. Without wasting a damn second, he complied. He was very thankful that he did.

The second he went behind the pillar, one of the staffs' footsteps were heard. Maybe he or she just walked out of the room San passed a few seconds ago. His heartbeat increased as he heard the steps getting louder by each second.

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